Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schnotz
Arbeitsgruppe Schnotz (Allgemeine und Pädagogische Psychologie), Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 016099294757
Rolfes, Tobias; Roth, Jürgen; Schnotz, Wolfgang
Effects of Tables, Bar Charts, and Graphs on Solving Function TasksJournal für Mathematik-Didaktik. Bd. 39. Springer Nature 2018 S. 97 - 125
Pozas, Marcela; Löffler, Patrick; Schnotz, Wolfgang et al.
Flow, the mediating/missing link? A mediation analysis of interest, flow, and performance.Brohm-Badry, M.; Peifer, C. & Greve, J. M. (Hrsg). Wie Menschen wachsen. Positiv-Psychologische Entwicklung von Individuum, organisation und Gesellschaft. 1. Aufl. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers 2018 S. 61 - 72
Scheid, Jochen; Müller, Andreas; Hettmannsperger, Rosa et al.
Representational Competence in Science Education: From Theory to Assessment.Daniel, Kristy L. (Hrsg). Towards a Framework for Representational Competence in Science Education. New York: Springer 2018 S. 263 - 277
Mihalca, Loredana; Mengelkamp, Christoph; Schnotz, Wolfgang
Accuracy of metacognitive judgments as a moderator of learner control effectiveness in problem-solving tasksMetacognition and Learning. Bd. 12. H. 3. New York: Springer 2017 S. 357 - 379
Phelan, Sielle; Specht, Inga; Schnotz, Wolfgang et al.
Attitude change when presenting science museum visitors with risk–benefit informationScience Education. Bd. 101. H. 6. Chichester: Wiley 2017 S. 873 - 886
Schnotz, Wolfgang; Wagner, Inga; Zhao, Fang et al.
Development of dynamic usage of strategies for integrating text and picture information in secondary schoolsLeutner, Detlev ; Fleischer, Jens ; Grünkorn, Juliane ; Klieme, Eckhard (Hrsg). Competence Assessment in Education : Research, Models and Instruments. Cham: Springer International Publishing - Springer 2017 S. 303 - 313
Schnotz, Wolfgang; Wagner, Inga; Ullrich, Mark et al.
Development of students’ text-picture integration and reading competence across grades 5–7 in a three-tier secondary school system: A longitudinal study.Contemporary Educational Psychology. Bd. 51. Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc. 2017 S. 152 - 169
Wagner, Inga; Schnotz, Wolfgang
Learning from static and dynamic visualizations: What kind of questions should we ask?Plötzner, Rolf ; Lowe, Richard K. (Hrsg). Learning from dynamic visualization. Cham: Springer 2017 S. 69 - 91
Müller, Andreas; Hettmannsperger, Rosa; Scheid, Jochen et al.
Representational Competence, Understanding of Experiments, Phenomena and Basic Concepts in Geometrical Optics: A Representational ApproachModels and Modeling in Science Education. Cham: Springer International Publishing 2017 S. 209 - 229
Müller, Andreas; Hettmannsperger, Rosa; Scheid, Jochen et al.
Representational Competence, Understanding of Experiments, Phenomena and Basic Concepts in Geometrical Optics: A Representational ApproachTreagust, David; Duit, Reinders; Fischer, Hans (Hrsg). Multiple representations in physics education. Berlin: Springer 2017 S. 209 - 229