Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schnotz
Arbeitsgruppe Schnotz (Allgemeine und Pädagogische Psychologie), Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 016099294757
Tobias, Rolfes; Jürgen, Roth; Wolfgang, Schnotz
Multi‑Representational Learning of the Covariational Aspect of Functional ThinkingJournal for STEM Education Research. Bd. 4. H. 2. 2021 S. 1 - 27
Schnotz, Wolfgang; Hauck, Georg; Schwartz, Neil
Multiple mental representations in picture processingPsychological Research. Bd. 85. Springer 2021 S. 1 - 16
Schnotz, Wolfgang
Integrated Model of Text and Picture ComprehensionMayer, Richard E. ; Fiorella, Logan (Hrsg). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. 3. Aufl. Cambridge MS: Cambridge University Press 2020 S. 82 - 99
Rolfes, Tobias; Roth, Jürgen; Schnotz, Wolfgang
Learning the Concept of Function With Dynamic VisualizationsFrontiers in Psychology. Bd. 11. H. 693. 2020 S. 1 - 16
Zhao, Fang; Gaschler, Robert; Schnotz, Wolfgang et al.
Regulating distance to the screen while engaging in difficult tasksFrontline Learning Research. Bd. 8. H. 6. Leuven: EARLI 2020 S. 59 - 76
Zhao, Fang; Schnotz, Wolfgang; Wagner, Inga et al.
Texts and pictures serve different functions in conjoint mental model construction and adaptation.Memory & Cognition. Bd. 48. H. 1. New York: Springer 2020 S. 69 - 82
Lowe, Richard; Schnotz, Wolfgang; Boucheix, Jean-Michel
The Animation Composition Principle in Multimedia Learning.Mayer, Richard E. ; Fiorella, Logan (Hrsg). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. 3. Aufl. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020 S. 313 - 323
Pozas, Marcela; Löffler, Patrick; Schnotz, Wolfgang et al.
The Effects of Context-based Problem-solving Tasks on Students’ Interest and Metacognitive ExperiencesOpen Education Studies. Bd. 2. H. 1. Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2020 S. 112 - 125
Schnotz, Wolfgang
Pädagogische Psychologie kompakt3., überarbeitete und erweiterte. Aufl. Weinheim u. a.: Beltz 2019 320 S.
Schnotz, Wolfgang; Wagner, Inga
Construction and elaboration of mental models through strategic conjoint processing of text and pictures.Journal of Educational Psychology. Bd. Internet. American Psychological Association (APA) 2018 S. 1 - 2