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Hanganu, IL; Ben-Ari, Y; Khazipov, R

Retinal waves trigger spindle bursts in the neonatal rat visual cortex.

J Neurosci. Bd. 26. H. 25. 2006 S. 6728-36

Jochims, A; Ludascher, P; Bohus, M et al.

Schmerzverarbeitung bei Borderline-Personlichkeitsstorung, Fibromyalgie und Posttraumatischer Belastungsstorung.

Schmerz. Bd. 20. H. 2. 2006 S. 140-50

Leuchtenberger, S; Beher, D; Weggen, S

Selective modulation of Abeta42 production in Alzheimer's disease: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and beyond.

Curr Pharm Des. Bd. 12. H. 33. 2006 S. 4337-55

Bendtsen, L; Treede, RD

Sensitization of myofascial pain pathways in tension-type headaches.

J. Olesen, P. Goadsby, N. Ramadan, P. Tfelt-Hansen, K.M.A. Welch (Hrsg). The Headaches. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2006

Lang, PM; Schober, GM; Rolke, R et al.

Sensory neuropathy and signs of central sensitization in patients with peripheral arterial disease.

Pain. Bd. 124. H. 1-2. 2006 S. 190-200

Müller, WEG; Belikov, SI; Tremel, W et al.

Siliceous spicules in marine demosponges (example Suberites domuncula).

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Hickerson, RP; Smith, FJ; McLean, WH et al.

SiRNA-mediated selective inhibition of mutant keratin mRNAs responsible for the skin disorder pachyonychia congenita.

Ann N Y Acad Sci. Bd. 1082. 2006 S. 56-61

Müller, WEG; Schröder, HC; Wrede, P et al.

Speciation of sponges in Baikal-Tuva region (an outline)

J Zool Syst Evol Res. Bd. 44. 2006 S. 105-117

Schröder, HC; Efremova, SM; Margulis, BA et al.

Stress response in Baikalian sponges exposed to pollutants.

Hydrobiologia. Bd. 568. 2006 S. 277-287

Abraham, C; Hutter, H; Palfreyman, MT et al.

Synaptic tetraspan vesicle membrane proteins are conserved but not needed for synaptogenesis and neuronal function in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Bd. 103. H. 21. 2006 S. 8227-32