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Bartoli, A; Belcari, N; Stark, D et al.

Preliminary assessment of the imaging capability of the YAP-(S)PET small animal scanner in neuroscience

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. Bd. 569. 2006 S. 488-491

Walz, C; Jungling, K; Lessmann, V et al.

Presynaptic plasticity in an immature neocortical network requires NMDA receptor activation and BDNF release.

J Neurophysiol. Bd. 96. H. 6. 2006 S. 3512-6

Melis, M; Pillolla, G; Bisogno, T et al.

Protective activation of the endocannabinoid system during ischemia in dopamine neurons.

Neurobiol Dis. Bd. 24. H. 1. 2006 S. 15-27

Treede, RD

Psychophysical Models for neuropathic pain

J.N. Campbell, A.I. Basbaum, A. Dray, R. Dubner, R.H. Dworkin, C.N. Sang (Hrsg). Emerging Strategies for the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain. Seattle: IASP Press 2006

Fischbeck, S; Schneider, S; Deister, T

Qualifizierung Medizinstudierender zu patientenorientierter Kommunikation: Modell einer Kompetenz-Prüfung

Y. Stöbel-Richter, A. Hinz, C. Schröder & E. Brähler (Hrsg). Medizintechnischer und soziodemographischer Wandel – Herausforderungen an die moderne Medizin. Lengerich: Lengerich: Papst Science Publisher 2006

Treede, RD

Quantitative sensorische Testung (QST)

R. Baron, M. Strumpf (Hrsg). Praktische Schmerztherapie. Springer 2006

Rolke, R; Magerl, W; Campbell, KA et al.

Quantitative sensory testing: a comprehensive protocol for clinical trials.

Eur J Pain. Bd. 10. H. 1. 2006 S. 77-88

Dupont, E; Hanganu, IL; Kilb, W et al.

Rapid developmental switch in the mechanisms driving early cortical columnar networks

Nature. Bd. 439. H. 7072. 2006 S. 79-83

Abidin, I; Kohler, T; Weiler, E et al.

Reduced presynaptic efficiency of excitatory synaptic transmission impairs LTP in the visual cortex of BDNF-heterozygous mice.

Eur J Neurosci. Bd. 24. H. 12. 2006 S. 3519-31