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Bai, L; Spiwoks-Becker, I; Leube, RE

Transcriptome comparison of murine wild-type and synaptophysin-deficient retina reveals complete identity

Brain Res. Bd. 1081. H. 1. 2006 S. 53-8

Quennet, V; Yaromina, A; Zips, D et al.

Tumor lactate content predicts for response to fractionated irradiation of human squamous cell carcinomas in nude mice

Radiother Oncol. Bd. 81. 2006 S. 130-135

Konerding, MA

Tumor vs normal microvasculature

Shepro D (Hrsg). Microvascular Research: Biology and Pathology. 1. Aufl. San Diego – Amsterdam: Academic Press/Elsevier Science 2006

Gottfried, E; Kunz-Schughart, LA; Ebner, S et al.

Tumor-derived lactic acid modulates dendritic cell activation and antigen expression

Blood. Bd. 107. H. 5. 2006 S. 213-221

Mitchell, CA; Rutland, CS; Walker, M et al.

Unique vascular phenotypes following over-expression of individual VEGFA isoforms from the developing lens.

Angiogenesis. Bd. 9. H. 4. 2006 S. 209-24