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Perina, D; Cetkovic, H; Harcet, M et al.

The complete set of ribosomal proteins from the marine sponge Suberites domuncula.

Gene. Bd. 366. 2006 S. 275-284

Luhmann, HJ

The cortical freeze lesion model

Pitkänen, Schwartzkroin, Moshé (Hrsg). Models of Seizures and Epilepsy. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2006

Pagotto, U; Marsicano, G; Cota, D et al.

The emerging role of the endocannabinoid system in endocrine regulation and energy balance.

Endocr Rev. Bd. 27. H. 1. 2006 S. 73-100

Monory, K; Massa, F; Egertova, M et al.

The endocannabinoid system controls key epileptogenic circuits in the hippocampus.

Neuron. Bd. 51. H. 4. 2006 S. 455-66

Aguado, T; Palazuelos, J; Monory, K et al.

The endocannabinoid system promotes astroglial differentiation by acting on neural progenitor cells.

J Neurosci. Bd. 26. H. 5. 2006 S. 1551-61

Barad, M; Gean, PW; Lutz, B

The role of the amygdala in the extinction of conditioned fear.

Biol Psychiatry. Bd. 60. H. 4. 2006 S. 322-8

Behl, C

The search for novel avenues for the therapy and prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Drug News Perspect. Bd. 19. H. 1. 2006 S. 5-12

Müller, WEG

The stem cell concept in sponges (Porifera): Metazoan traits.

Semin Cell Dev Biol. Bd. 17. 2006 S. 481-491

Bentley, DE; Baumgärtner, U; Watson, A et al.

The Time Course of Sensory and Affective Pain Processing: Evidence from Laser-Evoked Potentials.

Flor H, Kalso E, Dostrovsky J (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Pain. Seattle: IASP Press 2006