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Woll, S; Windoffer, R; Leube, RE

p38 MAPK-dependent shaping of the keratin cytoskeleton in cultured cells.

J Cell Biol. Bd. 177. H. 5. 2007 S. 795-807

Lohrer, H; Nauck, T; Dorn-Lange, NV et al.

Periosteal repair of the dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament: a comparative biomechanical study.

FOOT ANKLE INT. Bd. 28. H. 2. 2007 S. 202-7

Greffrath, W; Baumgartner, U; Treede, RD

Peripheral and central components of habituation of heat pain perception and evoked potentials in humans.

Pain. Bd. 132. H. 3. 2007 S. 301-11

Helisch, A; Thews, O; Buchholz, HG et al.

PET-Bildgebung von Kleintiertumoren: Dediziertes Kleintier-PET versus klinischer Scanner

Nuklearmedizin. Bd. 46. 2007 S. A28

Dworkin, RH; O'Connor, AB; Backonja, M et al.

Pharmacologic management of neuropathic pain: evidence-based recommendations.

Pain. Bd. 132. H. 3. 2007 S. 237-51

Müller, WEG; Wang, X; Zeng, L et al.

Phylogenetic position of sponges in early metazoan evolution and bionic applications of siliceous sponge spicules.

Chin Sci Bull. Bd. 52. 2007 S. 1372-1381

Deshmukh, S; Onozuka, K; Bender, KJ et al.

Postnatal development of cannabinoid receptor type 1 expression in rodent somatosensory cortex.

Neuroscience. Bd. 145. H. 1. 2007 S. 279-87

El Emir, E; Qureshi, U; Dearling, JL et al.

Predicting response to radioimmunotherapy from the tumor microenvironment of colorectal carcinomas.

Cancer Res. Bd. 67. H. 24. 2007 S. 11896-905