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Kilb, W; Sinning, A; Luhmann, HJ

Model-specific effects of bumetanide on epileptiform activity in the in-vitro intact hippocampus of the newborn mouse

Neuropharmacology. Bd. 53. H. 4. 2007 S. 524-33

Behl, C; Hartl, FU

Molekulare Mechanismen des Alterns

Peter Gruss (Hrsg). Die Zukunft des Alterns. Die Antwort der Wissenschaft. Ein Report der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. 1. Aufl. München: C.H. Beck 2007

Müller, WEG; Boreiko, A; Wang, X et al.

Morphogenetic activity of silica and bio-silica on the expression of genes controlling biomineralization using SaOS-2 cells

Calcif Tissue Int. Bd. 81. 2007 S. 382-393

Ravnic, DJ; Konerding, MA; Huss, HT et al.

Murine Microvideo Endoscopy of the Colonic Microcirculation.

J Surg Res. Bd. 142. H. 1. 2007 S. 97-103

Abraham, C; Bai, L; Leube, RE

Neuronal expression and function of the synaptic vesicle protein synaptogyrin in Caenorhabditis elegans

Eur J Cell Biol. Bd. 86S1. H. 57. 2007 S. 25

Tölle, TR; Baron, R; Treede, RD

Neuropathische Schmerzen messbar machen

DFNS Schmerztherapie DZKF. Bd. 3/4. 2007 S. 58-62

Brenner, W; Gudeijko-Thiel, J; Greber, I et al.

Nierentumoren: Differenzielle Bedeutung der PKC-Isoenzyme für die Metastasierung von Nierenkarzinomzellen

Urologe. Bd. 46. H. 9. 2007 S. 1167-1168

Treede, RD; Baumgärtner, U; Lenz, FA

Nociceptive processing in the secondary somatosensory cortex

Schmidt RF, Willis WD, (Hrsg). Encyclopedia of Pain. Berlin, Heidelberg, NewYork: Springer 2007

Schmahl, C; Bohus, M; Esposito, F et al.

On determining sensitivity to pain in borderline personality disorder

Arch Gen Psychiatry. Bd. 64. 2007 S. 748-9

Ebinger, M; Behl, C; Rosenhagen, M et al.

P-glycoprotein has negligible effects on estradiol and testosterone in mice.

Neurosci Lett. Bd. 427. H. 1. 2007 S. 6-9