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Kuhlmann, CR; Tamaki, R; Gamerdinger, M et al.

Inhibition of the myosin light chain kinase prevents hypoxia-induced blood-brain barrier disruption.

J Neurochem. Bd. 102. H. 2. 2007 S. 501-7

Adell, T; Thakur, AN; Müller, WEG

Isolation and characterization of Wnt pathway-related genes from Porifera

Cell Biol Int. Bd. 31. 2007 S. 939-949

Brenner, W; Kissinger, J; Stein, R et al.

Kinderurologie: In-vitro-Kultur der Mundschleimhaut als autologes Transplantat zur Urethrarekonstruktion

Urologe. Bd. 46. H. 9. 2007 S. 1041-1042

Achilles, K; Okabe, A; Ikeda, M et al.

Kinetic properties of Cl uptake mediated by Na+-dependent K+-2Cl cotransport in immature rat neocortical neurons

J Neurosci. Bd. 27. H. 32. 2007 S. 8616-27

Schmid, SA; Gaumann, A; Wondrak, M et al.

Lactate adversely affects the in vitro formation of endothelial cell tubular structures through the action of TGF-b1

Exp Cell Res. Bd. 313. 2007 S. 2531-2549

Sattler, UGA; Walenta, S; Mueller-Klieser, W

Laktat und Redoxstatus in malignen Tumoren

Anaesthesist. Bd. 56. H. 5. 2007 S. 466-469

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RF Schmidt, F Lang (Hrsg). Physiologie des Menschen. 30. Aufl. Heidelberg: Springer 2007