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Geber, C; Fondel, R; Kramer, HH et al.

Psychophysics, flare, and neurosecretory function in human pain models: capsaicin versus electrically evoked pain.

J Pain. Bd. 8. H. 6. 2007 S. 503-14

Topsch, J; Scholz, M; Mueller-Klieser, W

Radiobiological characterization of human tumor cell multilayers after conventional and particle irradiation

Radiat Res. Bd. 167. 2007 S. 645-654

Cetkovic, H; Mikoc, A; Müller, WEG et al.

Ras-like small GTPases form a large family of proteins in the marine sponge Suberites domuncula.

J Mol Evol. Bd. 64. 2007 S. 332-341

Cota, D; Steiner, MA; Marsicano, G et al.

Requirement of cannabinoid receptor type 1 for the basal modulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function.

Endocrinology. Bd. 148. H. 4. 2007 S. 1574-81

Gockel, I; Domeyer, M; Wolloscheck, T et al.

Resection of the mesopancreas (RMP): a new surgical classification of a known anatomical space.

World J Surg. Bd. 5. 2007 S. 44

Corbille, AG; Valjent, E; Marsicano, G et al.

Role of cannabinoid type 1 receptors in locomotor activity and striatal signaling in response to psychostimulants.

J Neurosci. Bd. 27. H. 26. 2007 S. 6937-47

Lotz, C; Kelleher, DK; Gassner, B et al.

Role of the tumor microenvironment in the activity and expression of the p-glycoprotein in human colon carcinoma cells

Oncol Rep. Bd. 17. H. 1. 2007 S. 239-244

Moreira, FA

Serotonin, the prefrontal cortex, and the antidepressant-like effect of cannabinoids

J Neurosci. Bd. 27. H. 49. 2007 S. 13369-70