Johann, Verena E.; Karbach, Julia
Effects of game‐based and standard executive control training on cognitive and academic abilities in elementary school childrenDevelopmental Science. Bd. 23. H. 4. Wiley 2019 e12866
Johann, Verena; Könen, Tanja; Karbach, Julia
The unique contribution of working memory, inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and intelligence to reading comprehension and reading speedChild Neuropsychology. Bd. 26. H. 3. Informa UK Limited 2019 S. 324 - 344
Johann, Verena E.; Karbach, Julia
Validation of new online game-based executive function tasks for childrenJournal of Experimental Child Psychology. Bd. 176. Elsevier Inc. 2018 S. 150 - 161
Johann, Verena E.; Stenger, Katharina; Kersten, Stephanie et al.
Effects of motor-cognitive coordination training and cardiovascular training on motor coordination and cognitive functionsPSYCHOLOGY OF SPORT AND EXERCISE. Bd. 24. 2016 S. 118 - 127