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Susanne Niemeier

Prof. Dr. Susanne Niemeier

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstr. 1, 56070 Koblenz, Raum: F 119

  • 0261/2870-2012
  • 0261/287-2872011
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Niemeier, Susanne

Nonverbal expression of emotions in a business negotiation

Susanne Niemeier; René Dirven (Hrsg). The Language of Emotions: Conceptualization, expression, and theoretical foundation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company 1997 S. 277 - 306

Niemeier, Susanne

Nonverbal signs in an intercultural business negotiation

Winfried Nöth (Hrsg). Semiotics of the Media: State of the Art, Projects, and Perspectives. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter 1997 S. 851 - 865 (Approaches to semiotics ; 127)

Niemeier, Susanne; Dirven, René

The Language of Emotions: Conceptualization, expression, and theoretical foundation

Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company 1997

Niemeier, Susanne

To have one's heart in the right place - metonymical and metaphorical evidence for the folk model of the heart as the site of emotions in English

Birgit Smieja; Maike Tasch (Hrsg). Human Contact through Language and Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Lang 1997 S. 87 - 106 (Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft ; Bd. 31)

Niemeier, Susanne

Intercultural dimensions of pragmatics in film synchronization

Jan Blommaert; Jef Verschueren (Hrsg). The Pragmatics of International and Intercultural Communication: Selected papers from the International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, August 17 - 22, 1987; Volume 3 (volume 3), and the Ghent symposium on Intercultural Communication; December 1987. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company 1991 S. 145 - 162 (Pragmatics & beyond ; new ser. 6:3)

Niemeier, Susanne

Ein Fall im Medienvergleich: Film- und Fernsehversion von "A Streetcar Named Desire"

Frankfurt am Main: Lang 1990 290 S. (Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft ; Bd. 10)