Prof. Dr. Stefan Röhl
FB 2 - Technik, Informatik und Wirtschaft, Technische Hochschule Bingen
- 06721/409-137
- 06721/409-104
Helmes, Kurt; Röhl, Stefan
A geometrical characterization of multi-dimensional Hausdorff polytopes with applications to exit time problemsMathematics of operations research. Bd. 33. H. 2. Linthicum, Md. [u.a.]: INFORMS 2008 S. 315 - 326
Helmberg, Christoph; Röhl, Stefan
A case study of joint online truck scheduling and inventory management for multiple warehousesOperations research : the journal of the Operations Research Society of America. Bd. 55. H. 4. Linthicum, Md.[u.a.]: INFORMS 2007 S. 733 - 752
Beyer, Hans-Georg; Röhl, Stefan
An optimization model for storing and delivering spare partsDornbirn: Fachhochschule Vorarlberg, Forschungszentrum Prozess- und Produkt-Engineering 2007 21 S.
Helmes, Kurt; Röhl, Stefan
A geometrical characterization of the multi-dimensional Hausdorff and Dale polytopes with applications to exit time problemsZuse-Institut Berlin (Hrsg). ZIB-Report. Bd. 4. H. 5. Berlin. 2004
Helmes, Kurt; Röhl, Stefan; Stockbrigde, Richard H.
Computing moments of the exit distribution for Markov processes by linear programmingOperations Research. Bd. 49. H. 4. 2001 S. 516 - 530
Röhl, Stefan
Ein linearer Programmierungsansatz zur Lösung von Stopp- und SteuerungsproblemenBerlin. 2001