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Melanie Platz
Dr. Melanie Platz
Mathematische Modellbildung
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Fortstr. 7, 76829 Landau, Raum: I, 1.25
6 Projekte
25 Publikationen
ab 2014
Leveraging mobile and service oriented technology to improve health in developing economies
Melanie Platz
ab 2014
Research and empirical studies concerning the optimisation of health service delivery in South Africa with an application for digital devices with an adaptive GUI for delivering appropriate decision support tailored to different user groups
Melanie Platz
ab 2012
Problem-oriented mathematics education by embedding in concrete applications. Range: mathematical modelling. AT6FUI (Action Team 6 Follow Up Initiative) deals with leveraging the potential of space technology for global health risk mitigation and health service delivery
Melanie Platz
ab 2009
Advancement of pupils with exceptional mathematical talent and integration of the support measures in teacher education (form 8-13) under the direction of Mr. Prof. Dr. Niehaus
Melanie Platz
ab 2009
Adjustment of OpenSource computer algebra systems to the needs of mathematics education under the direction of Mr. Prof. Dr. Niehaus
Melanie Platz
ab 2009
Problem-oriented mathematics education by embedding in concrete applications. Range: mathematical modelling. The REGLAN-Health and Logictics project deals with interdisciplinary development aid to optimise the distribution of medical goods and services. In cooperation with the CSIR’s Meraka Institute, Pretoria, South Africa.
Melanie Platz
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