Prof. Dr. Martin Entling
Institut für Umweltwissenschaften Landau, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 06341/280-31537
- 06341/280-31185
Tschumi, Matthias; Albrecht, Matthias; Collatz, Jana et al.
Tailored flower strips promote natural enemy biodiversity and pest control in potato cropsJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY. Bd. 53. H. 4. 2016 S. 1169 - 1176
Schirmel, Jens; Thiele, Jan; Entling, Martin H. et al.
Trait composition and functional diversity of spiders and carabids in linear landscape elementsAGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT. Bd. 235. 2016 S. 318 - 328
Krell, Bonny; Roeder, Nina; Link, Moritz et al.
Aquatic prey subsidies to riparian spiders in a stream with different land use typesLIMNOLOGICA. Bd. 51. 2015 S. 1 - 7
Krell, Bonny; Roeder, Nina; Link, Moritz et al.
Aquatic prey subsidies to riparian spiders in a stream with different land use typesLIMNOLOGICA. Bd. 51. 2015 S. 1 - 7
Anjum-Zubair, Muhammad; Entling, Martin H.; Bruckner, Alexander et al.
Differentiation of spring carabid beetle assemblages between semi-natural habitats and adjoining winter wheatAGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY. Bd. 17. H. 4. 2015 S. 355 - 365
Pfister, Sonja C.; Schafer, Ralf B.; Schirmel, Jens et al.
Effects of hedgerows and riparian margins on aerial web-building spiders in cereal fieldsJOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY. Bd. 43. H. 3. 2015 S. 400 - 405
Herrmann, John D.; Opatovsky, Itai; Lubin, Yael et al.
Effects of non-native Eucalyptus plantations on epigeal spider communities in the northern Negev desert, IsraelJOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY. Bd. 43. H. 1. 2015 S. 101 - 106
Tschumi, Matthias; Albrecht, Matthias; Entling, Martin H. et al.
High effectiveness of tailored flower strips in reducing pests and crop plant damagePROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Bd. 282. H. 1814. 2015 S. 189 - 196
Buse, Joern; Fassbender, Samuel; Entling, Martin H. et al.
Microclimatic Divergence in a Mediterranean Canyon Affects Richness, Composition, and Body Size in Saproxylic Beetle AssemblagesPLOS ONE. Bd. 10. H. 6. 2015
Bucher, Roman; Heinrich, Hannah; Entling, Martin H.
Plant choice, herbivory and weight gain of wood crickets under the risk of predationENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA. Bd. 155. H. 2. 2015 S. 148 - 153