Prof. Dr. Martin Entling
Institut für Umweltwissenschaften Landau, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 06341/280-31537
- 06341/280-31185
Rader, Romina A.; Bartomeus, Ignasi B.; Garibaldi, Lucas A. et al.
Non-bee insects are important contributors to global crop pollinationPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bd. 113. H. 1. 2016 S. 146 - 151
Tschumi, Matthias; Albrecht, Matthias; Baertschi, Cedric et al.
Perennial, species-rich wildflower strips enhance pest control and crop yieldAGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT. Bd. 220. 2016 S. 97 - 103
Mueller, Isabell B.; Buhk, Constanze; Alt, Martin et al.
Plant functional shifts in Central European grassland under traditional flood irrigationAPPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. Bd. 19. H. 1. 2016 S. 122 - 131
De Palma, Adriana; Abrahamczyk, Stefan; Aizen, Marcelo A. et al.
Predicting bee community responses to land-use changes: Effects of geographic and taxonomic biasesSCIENTIFIC REPORTS. Bd. 6. 2016
Buse, Joern; Entling, Martin H.; Ranius, Thomas et al.
Response of saproxylic beetles to small-scale habitat connectivity depends on trophic levelsLANDSCAPE ECOLOGY. Bd. 31. H. 5. 2016 S. 939 - 949
Holland, John M.; Bianchi, Felix J. J. A.; Entling, Martin H. et al.
Structure, function and management of semi-natural habitats for conservation biological control: a review of European studiesPEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. Bd. 72. H. 9. 2016 S. 1638 - 1651
Tschumi, Matthias; Albrecht, Matthias; Collatz, Jana et al.
Tailored flower strips promote natural enemy biodiversity and pest control in potato cropsJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY. Bd. 53. H. 4. 2016 S. 1169 - 1176
Schirmel, Jens; Thiele, Jan; Entling, et al.
Trait composition and functional diversity of spiders and carabids in linear landscape elementsAgriculture, Ecosystems Environment. Bd. 235. 2016 S. 318 - 328
Krell, Bonny; Roeder, Nina; Link, Moritz et al.
Aquatic prey subsidies to riparian spiders in a stream with different land use typesLIMNOLOGICA. Bd. 51. 2015 S. 1 - 7
Anjum-Zubair, Muhammad; Entling, Martin H.; Bruckner, Alexander et al.
Differentiation of spring carabid beetle assemblages between semi-natural habitats and adjoining winter wheatAGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY. Bd. 17. H. 4. 2015 S. 355 - 365