Prof. Dr. Martin Entling
Institut für Umweltwissenschaften Landau, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 06341/280-31537
- 06341/280-31185
Schmidt, MH; Tscharntke, T
Landscape context of sheetweb spider (Araneae : Linyphiidae) abundance in cereal fieldsJOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY. Bd. 32. H. 3. 2005 S. 467 - 473
Schmidt, MH; Lefebvre, G; Poulin, B et al.
Reed cutting affects arthropod communities, potentially reducing food for passerine birdsBIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. Bd. 121. H. 2. 2005 S. 157 - 166
Schmidt, MH; Tscharntke, T
The role of perennial habitats for Central European farmland spidersAGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT. Bd. 105. H. 1-2. 2005 S. 235 - 242
Schmidt, MH; Thewes, U; Thies, C et al.
Aphid suppression by natural enemies in mulched cerealsENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA. Bd. 113. H. 2. 2004 S. 87 - 93
Schmidt, MH; Lauer, A; Purtauf, T et al.
Relative importance of predators and parasitoids for cereal aphid controlPROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Bd. 270. H. 1527. 2003 S. 1905 - 1909
Ammann, Lolita; Bosem-Baillod, Aliette; Eckerter, Philipp W. et al.
Comparing floral resource maps and land cover maps to predict predators and aphid suppression on field beanLANDSCAPE ECOLOGY.
Gonzalez, Ezequiel; Bianchi, Felix Jan Joost Antoine; Eckerter, Philipp W. et al.
Ecological requirements drive the variable responses of wheat pests and natural enemies to the landscape contextJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY.
Narimanov, Nijat; Kempel, Anne; van Kleunen, Mark et al.
Unexpected sensitivity of the highly invasive spiderMermessus trilobatusto soil disturbance in grasslandsBIOLOGICAL INVASIONS.