Gawronski, Bertram; Walther, Eva; Blank, Hartmut
Cognitive consistency and the formation of interpersonal attitudes: Cognitive balance affects the encoding of social informationJournal of Experimental Social Psychology. Bd. 41. H. 6. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier BV 2005 S. 618 - 626
Walther, Eva; Nagengast, Benjamin; Trasselli, Claudia
Evaluative conditioning in social psychology: Facts and speculationsCognition & Emotion. Bd. 19. H. 2. Hove, East Sussex: Informa UK Limited 2005 S. 175 - 196
Walther, Eva
SozialpsychologieSchütz, Astrid (Hrsg). Psychologie: Eine Einführung in ihre Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder. 3., vollständig überarb. und erw. Aufl. Aufl. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2005 S. 262 - 284
Walther, Eva; Blank, Hartmut
Entscheidungsprozesse im Falschinformationsparadigma : die Rolle von Unsicherheit, Metakognition und sozialem EinflussPsychologische Rundschau. Bd. 55. H. 2. Göttingen: Hogrefe 2004 S. 72 - 81
Fiedler, Klaus; Walther, Eva
Stereotypes as inductive hypothesis testingNew York, NY: Psychology Press [u.a.] 2004 208 S. (European Monographs)
Eyal, Tal; Liberman, Nira; Trope, Yaacov et al.
The Pros and Cons of Temporally Near and Distant ActionJournal of Personality and Social Psychology. Bd. 86. H. 6. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association 2004 S. 781 - 795
Walther, Eva; Grigoriadis, Sofia
Why Sad People Like Shoes Better: the influence of mood on the evaluative conditioning of consumer attitudesPsychology & marketing. Bd. 21. H. 10. New York, NY: Wiley Interscience 2004 S. 755 - 773
Walther, Eva; Trasselli, Claudia
I like her, because I like myself: Self-evaluation as a source of interpersonal attitudes.Trasselli, Claudia. Bd. 50. H. 4. Germany: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers 2003 S. 239 - 246
Fiedler, Klaus; Walther, Eva; Freytag, Peter et al.
Inductive Reasoning and Judgment Interference: Experiments on Simpson’s ParadoxPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Bd. 29. H. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE 2003 S. 14 - 27
Walther, Eva; Fiedler, Klaus; Nickel, Stefanie
The influence of prior knowledge on constructive biasesSwiss Journal of Psychology. Bd. 62. H. 4. Bern: Huber 2003 S. 219 - 231