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Bildungsgangmanagement und Lernprozessteuerung durch digital hinterlegte Lernsituationen - Chancen und Grenzen für den lernfeldorientierten Präsenzunterricht an beruflichen Schulen

Ingenieurpädagogische Wissensgesellschaft (Hrsg). Wechselspiel von Theorie und Praxis. Abstractband zur 18. Ingenieurpädagogischen Jahrestagung 2024. Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg DHBW. Mosbach. 2024 S. 82 - 84

Erscheinungsjahr: 2024

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Konferenzbeitrag)

Sprache: Deutsch


At vocational schools, the pandemic acted as a „catalyst“ [Jörke/Neuburg2021, p.243] or "booster" [Huber 2022, p. 14) for the digitalization of teaching and learning processes. Regardless of the pandemic and lockdown, learning processes should be made possible by being digitally accessible and integrated into a professionally designed learning environment and thus clearly distinguish themselves from emergency programs [Anders/Usinger 2023, p. 38]. This digitization process is illustrated usin...At vocational schools, the pandemic acted as a „catalyst“ [Jörke/Neuburg2021, p.243] or "booster" [Huber 2022, p. 14) for the digitalization of teaching and learning processes. Regardless of the pandemic and lockdown, learning processes should be made possible by being digitally accessible and integrated into a professionally designed learning environment and thus clearly distinguish themselves from emergency programs [Anders/Usinger 2023, p. 38]. This digitization process is illustrated using an evaluated practical example from the „David-Roentgen-Schule Neuwied“ (DRS). To this end, the process of the fundamental didactic reorientation that has become necessary is described and critically classified using the conducive criteria for digitalization at various levels of school development identified by Waffner [2021]. Based on this analysis, success factors and responsibilities for the digitalization of face-to-face teaching at administrative, strategic and operational levels are identified. Differences between emergency remote teaching and professionally planned and designed learning environments are identified and compared in a table. In addition to the design of teaching and learning processes, potentials for course management and its administrative support and evaluation are identified. Furthermore, technology acceptance and potential for competence growth, especially of the core competencies formulated by the KMK in the digital world among learners and teachers [KMK 2021], will be discussed in order to critically reflect on the relationship between analog and digital teaching-learning interaction and the internal and external consistency of the overall arrangement. Finally, our own evaluation results of the process support, with results and recommendations for action from comparable projects in the vocational training sector [e.g. Tenberg, Pittich 2020; Geisler 2023] are classified in order to finally identify opportunities and risks for the design of face-to-face teaching through digitally supported learning situations. » weiterlesen» einklappen

  • keywords Digitalization, learning platform, learning field-oriented teaching, individualization, educational course management, virtual classroom


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