Ergebnisse pro Seite:
2016 - 2020
SFB 1193: Neurobiology of Resilience to stress-related mental dysfunction: from understanding mechanisms to promoting prevention - Unraveling the relation between adult-born hippocampal neuron's connectivity and resilience (Teilprojekt A02)- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beat Lutz,
- Prof. Dr. Benedikt Berninger
2016 - 2020
SFB 1193: Neurobiology of Resilience to stress-related mental dysfunction: from understanding mechanisms to promoting prevention - Lipid signaling by anandamide and the bliss of resilience: genetic models at cellular and neural-network levels (Teilprojekt B04)- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beat Lutz,
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Luhmann
2016 - 2020
SFB 1193: Neurobiology of Resilience to stress-related mental dysfunction: from understanding mechanisms to promoting prevention - Modelling individual differences in response to stress in mice: an approach to identify neurobiological mechanisms underlying resilience (Teilprojekt Z02)- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beat Lutz,
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marianne Brigitte Müller,
- PD Dr. Konstantin Radyushkin
Focus program BiomaTiCS: Biosilica and bio-polyP – Application in 3D printing of morphogenetically active matrices and bioprinting of human mesenchymal stem cells- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner E.G. Müller,
- Prof. Dr. Xiaohong Wang,
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Heinz C. Schröder
2015 - 2018
Failure in PP2/mTOR signaling, local protein synthesis and its consequences on functional connectivity in neurons from patients with Opitz BBB/G syndrome- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Benedikt Berninger
2013 - 2016
Defining the impact of newborn neurons in mouse olfactory bulb on neural homeostasis by combining optogenetics with in vivo imaging, Teilprojekt A05- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Benedikt Berninger,
- Juniorprof. Dr. Albrecht Stroh
2013 - 2014
Funktionelle Integration neuronal umprogrammierter Perizyten aus dem erwachsenen Gehirn des Menschen (DFG)- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Benedikt Berninger