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Annies, M; Bittcher, G; Ramseger, R et al.

Clustering transmembrane-agrin induces filopodia-like processes on axons and dendrites

Mol Cell Neurosci. Bd. 31. H. 3. 2006 S. 515-24

Lohrer, H; Nauck, T; Dorn, NV et al.

Comparison of endoscopic and open resection for Haglund tuberosity in a cadaver study.

Foot Ankle Int. Bd. 27. H. 6. 2006 S. 445-50

Müller, WEG

Controlled formation of biosilicate nanostructures

Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy; Biotechnology Industry Organization, Honolulu, HI, 11.-13.01.2006; Abstract book. 2006 S. p. 46

Obradovic, D; Gronemeyer, H; Lutz, B et al.

Cross-talk of vitamin D and glucocorticoids in hippocampal cells.

J Neurochem. Bd. 96. H. 2. 2006 S. 500-9

Müller, WEG; Müller, IM

Cultural heritage: Porifera (sponges), taxon successfully progressing palaeontology, biology, biochemistry, biotechnology and biomedicine

Akademie gemeinnützige Wissenschaften zu Erfurt; Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Bd. 13. 2006 S. 95-139

Spessert, R; Gupta, BBP; Rohleder, N et al.

Cyclic AMP-inducible genes respond uniformly to seasonal lighting conditions in the rat pineal gland.

Neuroscience. Bd. 143. 2006 S. 607-613

Fouad, M; Edrada, RA; Ebel, R et al.

Cytotoxic isomalabaricane triterpenes from the marine sponge Rhabdastrella globostellata.

J Nat Prod. Bd. 69. 2006 S. 211-218

Greffrath, W

Der Capsaicinrezeptor. Ein TRP zur Transduktion schmerzhafter Reize.

Schmerz. Bd. 20. H. 3. 2006 S. 219-25