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Fischbeck, S; Kohlhof, H; Wiewrodt, D

Belastetheit und Betreuungsbedürftigkeit von Hirntumor-Patienten: Selbsteinschätzung und Fremdperspektive ihrer Ärzte und Angehörigen

Werner, A. & Blettner, G. (Hrsg). Versorgung in der Psychosozialen Onkologie. Mainz 2006

Müller, WEG; Schröder, HC; Belikov, SI

Biosilica, the raw material of the new millennium: sustainable production in Lake Baikal.

Science-First Hand (in English). Bd. 1. 2006 S. 26-35

Kamprath, K; Marsicano, G; Tang, J et al.

Cannabinoid CB1 receptor mediates fear extinction via habituation-like processes.

J Neurosci. Bd. 26. H. 25. 2006 S. 6677-86

Sibaev, A; Massa, F; Yuce, B et al.

CB1 and TRPV1 receptors mediate protective effects on colonic electrophysiological properties in mice.

J Mol Med. Bd. 84. H. 6. 2006 S. 513-20

Thews, O; Kelleher, DK; Vaupel, P

Changes in perfusion pattern of experimental tumors due to reduction in arterial oxygen partial pressure.

Adv Exp Med Biol. Bd. 578. 2006 S. 363-368

Yoshinaga, M; Phan, TG; Nguyen, TA et al.

Changing distribution of group A rotavirus G-types and genetic analysis of G9 circulating in Japan.

Arch Virol. Bd. 151. 2006 S. 183-192