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Clock Pulse Modeling and Simulation of Push and Pull Processes in Logistics

Herrmann, Frank; Parra, Lorena; Popescu, Manuela (Hrsg). SIMUL 2020 : the Twelfth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation : October 18-22, 2020. Wilmington, DE, USA: IARIA 2020 S. 31 - 36

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

ISBN/ISSN: 2308-4537

Publikationstyp: Buchbeitrag (Konferenzband)

Sprache: Englisch



This paper is about a technique to find Petri net models for a clock pulse spotted simulation of processes in logistics and production. These models can be used to observe the raising and discharging of stocks used in a production process in order to identify bottlenecks. With this approach it is possible to observe differences of push and pull strategies on the valued stocks and to decide on strategic changes. For this, however, significant preliminary tasks had to be conducted: a novel, we...This paper is about a technique to find Petri net models for a clock pulse spotted simulation of processes in logistics and production. These models can be used to observe the raising and discharging of stocks used in a production process in order to identify bottlenecks. With this approach it is possible to observe differences of push and pull strategies on the valued stocks and to decide on strategic changes. For this, however, significant preliminary tasks had to be conducted: a novel, web-based Petri net modeling and simulation environment called Process-Simulation.Center (P-S.C) had to be developed since existing tools are not at the least able to handle such sophisticated models. And at the moment the tool worked properly, different approaches to model the described situation had to be compared. A logistics laboratory in which students experience different delivery and working strategies in practice has been chosen as an exemplarily objective for modeling and simulation. The simulation now helps the students to scale up their personal observations with respect to time, amount and value. This paper explains the situation in the laboratory, the distinctive features of the P-S.C that enable the modeling of these processes, and the finding of the model itself. Finally, its development led to another, different approach to describe the teaching processes by a so called event triggered simulation that is shortly considered in contrast.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • Conceptual Models of Timed Dynamic Systems, Simulation, Petri nets, Logistics, Teaching


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