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AndaCast - Substitute materials for Andalusite in castables

Laufzeit: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2022

Partner: FGF - Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e. V., INISMa - INstitut Interuniversitaire des Silicates, Sols et Matériaux

Förderung durch: BMWi über CORNET AiF

Projektmittel (€): 250.000


Andalusite-based refractory materials are essential for a significant range of applications in the process and energy industries, e.g. iron, steel and cement production, bio-mass incin- eration and thermal waste treatment. Andalusite-based refractories have to withstand extreme thermomechanical load and chemical attack. They are suitable for such applica- tions with such loads, as they show superior volume stability at high temperature and highest resistance against alkaline rich slags or...Andalusite-based refractory materials are essential for a significant range of applications in the process and energy industries, e.g. iron, steel and cement production, bio-mass incin- eration and thermal waste treatment. Andalusite-based refractories have to withstand extreme thermomechanical load and chemical attack. They are suitable for such applica- tions with such loads, as they show superior volume stability at high temperature and highest resistance against alkaline rich slags or atmospheres. For the applications in the process and energy industries, andalusite as a raw material for refractories is currently without alternative.
The objective of this CORNET project is to develop substitution materials for andalusite. The aim is to prepare for the decreasing availability of primary andalusite raw materials. Today, the refractory industry is suffering from unconfident supply of andalusite. On the market, only a very limited number of raw material suppliers share the market with minor quantities of andalusite deposits. Adequate substitution materials will therefore be re- quired to further guarantee the performance of thermal processes that rely on the superi- or properties of andalusite-based refractories. R&D to develop adequate substitute mate- rials for andalusite as a raw material is therefore of strategic interest for the refractory sector and the main objective of the project.
The CORNET project will deliver benefits on different levels: Basic knowledge about how andalusite-based refractories achieve their beneficial properties, improved methods to describe the thermal evolution of refractories in terms of structural and mineralogical changes and substitute materials for andalusite (which can be translated into economic results by SMEs by producing castables from them).
Refractory producers, most of which are SMEs, will benefit from the project results con- cerning the description of the way andalusite-based castables work, which will enable them to offer their customers a larger range of products. Securing the availability of casta- bles with high volume stability and corrosion resistance, independent from the raw mate- rial supply of andalusite, will allow major industrial processes to be run efficiently also in the future. The results of the project are immediately applicable for all SMEs already in- volved in castable production, without investments.
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  • Raw materials Andalusite Refractories standardization


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