Grid-Enabled Medical Simulation Services (GEMSS)
Laufzeit: 01.09.2002 - 28.02.2005
Partner: 11 Partner, among them: + NEC Europe Ltd. + Max-Planck Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience , Leipzig + CFX Ltd., UK (now ANSYS Inc.) + Universities of Dublin, Namur, Sheffield, Southampton, Vienna
Förderkennzeichen: IST-2001-37153
Förderung durch: European Commision (under Framework V)
As the Internet revolutionised access to information, the Grid will revolutionise accessibility to applications. GEMSS demonstrates how Grid technologies can be used to transform healthcare and enable Europe to lead that transformation. The GEMSS test-bed renders accessible a multitude of medical computing and resource services in a clinical environment. It provides access to new tools for improved diagnosis, operative planning and surgical procedures in order to create a new way for improved...As the Internet revolutionised access to information, the Grid will revolutionise accessibility to applications. GEMSS demonstrates how Grid technologies can be used to transform healthcare and enable Europe to lead that transformation. The GEMSS test-bed renders accessible a multitude of medical computing and resource services in a clinical environment. It provides access to new tools for improved diagnosis, operative planning and surgical procedures in order to create a new way for improved health care.
Short details:
Cleft lip and palate are among the most frequent inborn malformations. A resulting maxillary hypoplasia can be treated by distraction osteogenesis: During an operation the appropriate bony part of the midface is separated from the rest of the skull (osteotomy) and slowly moved into the ideal position by way of a distraction device. Thus even large displacements over 20 mm can be treated effectively.
A critical point in this procedure is osteotomy design and predictions of the resulting outcome with respect to aesthetics. Another important question is the optimal adjustment of distraction forces, as on one hand, one wants to pull as fast as possible, while at the other hand, to large stresses cause unnecessary pain for the patient. In the current clinical practice, planning is solely based on CT scans and the surgeon's experience. In this work package of GEMMS, a tool chain is developed which allows the surgeon
to specify arbitrary cuts of facial bones (pre-processing),
to simulate the displacements of bones and soft tissue, and
to visualize the results in an appropriate way (post-processing).
It therefore provides the possibility to predict and compare the outcome of different surgical treatments in silico.
In line with the overall goals of GEMSS, this toolchain gives average clinicians access to the advanced simulation technology of such surgical planning tools.» weiterlesen» einklappen
- Berti, G; Lonsdale, G; Schmidt, JG et al.
- Grid simulation services for the medical community.
- Berti, G; Fingberg, J; Hierl, T et al.
- An interactive planning and simulation tool for maxillo-facial surgery.
- Hierl, T; Zachow, S; Wollny, G et al.
- Computer-based simulation in distraction osteogenis.
- Berti, G; Fingberg, J; Hierl, T et al.
- Grid computing: Hochleistungs-Simulationsdienste unterstützen den Arzt.
- Benker, S; Engelbrecht, G; Backfrieder, W et al.
- Numerical simulation for ehealth: Gemss.
- Cao, J; Fingberg, J; Berti, G et al.
- Implementation of Grid-Enabled Medical Simulation Applications Using Workflow Techniques.