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Prof. Dr. Vitor Azevedo

Lehrstuhl für Finanzmanagement, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 42, 67663 Kaiserslautern

  • 0000-0002-3311-4640


Financial Analysis: Expertise in asset pricing models, cost of capital estimation, and financial forecasting.

Behavioral Finance: Knowledge of market psychology, investor behavior, and its impact on market dynamics.

Sustainable Finance: Research on CSR/ESG, sustainable investment strategies, and the sustainability premium.

Quantitative Methods: Proficiency in statistical analysis, econometrics, and machine learning applications in finance.

Programming and Statistical Software: Advanced skills in R, Latex, Stata, Python, Matlab, and SAS.

Academic Leadership: Supervising doctoral and master’s theses, research project management, and obtaining research funding.


Reviewer for Academic Journals: European Journal of Finance, Journal of Asset Management, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Financial Markets and Portfolio Management.

Contributions to Conferences: Presentations at American Finance Association, German Finance Association, American Accounting Association, European Accounting Association, and Australasian Finance and Banking Conference.

Affiliations: Affiliated with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), contributing to the Department of Data Science and its Applications (DSA).

Academic Community Engagement: Supervisor of award-winning theses, an active participant in finance and economics research networks, and contributor to interdisciplinary research publications.

Referenzen & Unternehmenskontakte

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Auszeichnungen, Preise & Ehrungen

TU-Nachwuchsring research funding of 8.536 EUR to develop a DFG funding project (1/2023)

Supervisor of the best thesis award from Sparkasse Stiftungspreis University Kaiserslautern-Landau (2023)

Supervisor of the second-place winner for the Best Thesis Award from the European Finance Forum (2022)

Supervisor of the first-place winner for the Best Thesis Award from ACATIS Value Preis (2021)

Supervisor of the first-place winner for the Best Thesis Award from ACATIS Value Preis (2020)

TUM Research Excellence Program, merit-based program (4/2020), funding of up to 10.000 EUR

The Ph.D. studies (Promotion) received a sponsorship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological (CNPq) from Brazil, around 80.000 EUR (1/2015)


Consultancy for asset management firms, focusing on portfolio optimization and risk management strategies.

Advised financial institutions on the integration of machine learning models in investment decision-making processes.


Member of the American Finance Association (AFA)

DFG Fachgebiet

112-3 - Betriebswirtschaftslehre


Lehrstuhlinhaber (Lehrstuhl für Finanzmanagement)


  • Empirical Asset Pricing
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Sustainable Finance
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Finance


  • Asset Pricing and Portfolio Optimization (Master level)
  • Master Seminar in Finance and Data Science (Master level)
  • Bachelor Seminar in Financial Management (Bachelor level)
  • Statistics (Bachelor level)
  • Mathematical Finance (Bachelor level)
  • Advanced Accounting (Bachelor level)
  • Quantitative Economic Models (Bachelor level)
  • Economics and Industrial Organization (Bachelor level)