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Kitomer - Interoperability of heterogenous Workflows

Laufzeit: 01.11.1999 - 31.12.2002

Partner: DaimlerChrysler

Förderung durch: DaimlerChrysler


Workflow management has gained increased importance during the last few years. Therefore, many different systems supporting workflow management have been developed and are currently in use. Since enterprises have to cooperate with each other, the need for dealing with global workflows crossing enterprise borders becomes obvious. In order to adequately suppport such scenarios, we want to make possibly heterogeneous workflow management systems (wfms) used by different, cooperating enterprises...Workflow management has gained increased importance during the last few years. Therefore, many different systems supporting workflow management have been developed and are currently in use. Since enterprises have to cooperate with each other, the need for dealing with global workflows crossing enterprise borders becomes obvious. In order to adequately suppport such scenarios, we want to make possibly heterogeneous workflow management systems (wfms) used by different, cooperating enterprises interoperate! Thus, target of the project Kitomer is to support global workflows being composed of heterogenous (sub-)workflows. This, firstly requires mechanisms assisting in the definition of global workflows. Secondly, a runtime component executing the global workflow, locating the corresponding (enterprise-local) sub-workflows, and supporting communication between interoperating sub-workflows is needed. As models of interoperability the proposals of the workflow management coalition ( WfMC ) are examined. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide monitoring as well as failure handling mechanisms. The project is performed in cooperation with DaimlerChrysler. » weiterlesen» einklappen

  • workflow management interoperating workflows


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