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Stephan Schmitz

Dr. Stephan Schmitz

Numerische Simulation, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Fortstraße 7, 76829 Landau


Grubisic, Luka; Kostrykin, Vadim; Makarov, Konstantin A. et al.

Diagonalization of indefinite saddle point forms

Analysis as a Tool in Mathematical Physics. Bd. 276. Cham: Birkhäuser 2020 S. 373 - 400

Grubisic, Luka; Kostrykin, Vadim; Makarov, Konstantin A. et al.

The Tan 2Theta Theorem in Fluid Dynamics

Journal of Spectral Theory. Bd. 9. H. 4. 2019 S. 1431 - 1457

Makarov, Konstantin A.; Schmitz, Stephan; Seelmann, Albrecht

On Invariant Graph Subspaces

Integral Equations and Operator Theory. Bd. 85. H. 3. Springer Nature 2016 S. 399 - 425

Schmitz, Stephan

Representation Theorems for Indefinite Quadratic Forms Without Spectral Gap

Integral Equations and Operator Theory. Bd. 83. H. 1. Springer Nature 2015 S. 73 - 94

Makarov, Konstantin A.; Schmitz, Stephan; Seelmann, Albrecht

Reducing graph subspaces and strong solutions to operator Riccati equations > math > arXiv:1307.6439. Bd. 0. 2013 S. 1 - 17