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Stephan Diehl

Prof. Dr. Stephan Diehl

Universität Trier

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Perspectives Workshop: Preventing the Brainware Crisis, 31.03. - 03.04.2009

Perspectives Workshop: Preventing the Brainware Crisis. Bd. 09142. 2009

Beck, Fabian; Burch, Michael; Diehl, Stephan

Towards an Aesthetic Dimensions Framework for Dynamic Graph Visualisations.

IV. 2009 S. 592 - 597

Greilich, Martin; Burch, Michael; Diehl, Stephan

Visualizing the Evolution of Compound Digraphs with TimeArcTrees.

Comput. Graph. Forum. Bd. 28. H. 3. 2009 S. 975 - 982

Burch, Michael; Bott, Felix; Beck, Fabian et al.

Cartesian vs. Radial - A Comparative Evaluation of Two Visualization Tools.

ISVC (1). 2008 S. 151 - 160

Weißgerber, Peter; Neu, Daniel; Diehl, Stephan

Small patches get in!

MSR. 2008 S. 67 - 76

Burch, Michael; Beck, Fabian; Diehl, Stephan

Timeline trees: visualizing sequences of transactions in information hierarchies.

AVI. 2008 S. 75 - 82

Burch, Michael; Diehl, Stephan

TimeRadarTrees: Visualizing Dynamic Compound Digraphs.

Comput. Graph. Forum. Bd. 27. H. 3. 2008 S. 823 - 830

Pohl, Mathias; Diehl, Stephan

What dynamic network metrics can tell us about developer roles.

CHASE. 2008 S. 81 - 84

Weißgerber, Peter; Biegel, Benjamin; Diehl, Stephan

Making Programmers Aware Of Refactorings.

WRT. 2007 S. 58 - 59