Baltes, Sebastian; Dumani, Lorik; Treude, Christoph et al.
The Evolution of Stack Overflow Posts: Reconstruction and Analysis.CoRR. Bd. abs/1811.00804. 2018
Baltes, Sebastian; Diehl, Stephan
Towards a theory of software development expertise.ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE. 2018 S. 187 - 200
Baltes, Sebastian; Diehl, Stephan
Towards a Theory of Software Development Expertise.CoRR. Bd. abs/1807.06087. 2018
Baltes, Sebastian; Diehl, Stephan
Usage and Attribution of Stack Overflow Code Snippets in GitHub Projects.CoRR. Bd. abs/1802.02938. 2018
Beck, Fabian; Burch, Michael; Diehl, Stephan et al.
A Taxonomy and Survey of Dynamic Graph Visualization.Comput. Graph. Forum. Bd. 36. H. 1. 2017 S. 133 - 159
Baltes, Sebastian; Kiefer, Richard; Diehl, Stephan
Attribution required: stack overflow code snippets in GitHub projects.ICSE (Companion Volume). 2017 S. 161 - 163
Baltes, Sebastian; Kiefer, Richard; Diehl, Stephan
Attribution Required: Stack Overflow Code Snippets in GitHub Projects.CoRR. Bd. abs/1707.00452. 2017
Baltes, Sebastian; Schmitz, Peter; Diehl, Stephan
Linking Sketches and Diagrams to Source Code Artifacts.CoRR. Bd. abs/1706.09700. 2017
Baltes, Sebastian; Moseler, Oliver; Beck, Fabian et al.
Navigate, Understand, Communicate: How Developers Locate Performance Bugs.CoRR. Bd. abs/1706.10118. 2017
Baltes, Sebastian; Hollerich, Fabrice; Diehl, Stephan
Round-Trip Sketches: Supporting the Lifecycle of Software Development Sketches from Analog to Digital and Back.VISSOFT. 2017 S. 94 - 98