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Stephan Diehl

Prof. Dr. Stephan Diehl

Universität Trier

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Baltes, Sebastian; Moseler, Oliver; Beck, Fabian et al.

Navigate, Understand, Communicate: How Developers Locate Performance Bugs.

ESEM. 2015 S. 225 - 234

Diehl, Stephan

Past, Present, and Future of and in Software Visualization

Battiato, S.und Coquillart, S. und Pettré, J.und Laramee, R.S.und Kerren, A.und Braz, J. (Hrsg). Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing 2015 S. 3 - 11

Baltes, Sebastian; Diehl, Stephan

Sketches and Diagrams in Practice.

Software Engineering & Management. 2015 S. 69 - 70

Biegel, Benjamin; Baltes, Sebastian; Prevos, Bob et al.

VisualCues: Visually explaining source code in computer science education.

VL/HCC. 2015 S. 89 - 93

Lutz, Rainer; Rausch, Daniel; Beck, Fabian et al.

A directory comparison and manipulation tool.

VL/HCC. 2014 S. 213 - 214

Lutz, Rainer; Schäfer, Sascha; Diehl, Stephan

Are smartphones better than CRC cards?

SAC. 2014 S. 987 - 994

Beck, Fabian; Wiszniewsky, Franz-Josef; Burch, Michael et al.

Asymmetric Visual Hierarchy Comparison with Nested Icicle Plots.

ED/GViP@Diagrams. 2014 S. 53 - 62

Biegel, Benjamin; Beck, Fabian; Lesch, Benedikt et al.

Code Tagging as a Social Game.

ICSME. 2014 S. 411 - 415

Lutz, Rainer; Rausch, Daniel; Beck, Fabian et al.

Get your directories right: From hierarchy visualization to hierarchy manipulation.

VL/HCC. 2014 S. 25 - 32

Baltes, Sebastian; Schmitz, Peter; Diehl, Stephan

Linking sketches and diagrams to source code artifacts.

SIGSOFT FSE. 2014 S. 743 - 746