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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Benzschawel

Hochschule Trier

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Bauer, Konstantin; Benzschawel, Stefan

Provider independent upgrade to IHE e-prescription by using existing paper printing features

Jordanova, Malina; Lievens, Frank (Hrsg). Global telemedicine and eHealth updates : Knowledge resources. Grimbergen: International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) 2016 S. 311 - 315 (Bd. 9)

Benzschawel, Stefan; Roth, Uwe

An inexpensive trusted third party to protect wide-area eHealth platforms

Gauzente, Claire; Macedo, Mario; Isaias, Pedro; Nunes, Miguel Baptista; Kommers, Piet; Peng, Guo Chao (Hrsg). MCCSIS 2014 : Proceedings of the International Conferences ICT, Society and Human Beings 2014, Web Based Communities and Social Media 2014, e-Commerce 2014, Information Systems Post-Implemantation and Change Management 2014 and e-Health 2014. Lissabon: IADIS Press 2014 NN

Kampeis, Percy; Hohmann, Jürgen; Benzschawel, Stefan

Privacy by design meets privacy by default – eHealth technology and its interdependence with international law on privacy

20th World Congress on Medical Law. Bali. 2014

Hohmann, Jürgen; Benzschawel, Stefan

Data protection in eHealth platforms

Beran, Roy G. (Hrsg). Legal and forensic medicine. Berlin: Springer 2013 S. 1633 - 1658

Roth, Uwe; Zimmermann, Heiko; Benzschawel, Stefan

Data privacy protection of medical data in a national context

Jordanova, Malina; Lievens, Frank (Hrsg). Global telemedicine and eHealth updates : Knowledge resources. Luxemburg: International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) 2012 S. 553 - 556 (Bd. 5)

Benzschawel, Stefan; Zimmermann, Heiko; Roth, Uwe

Secure data exchange based on signature PKI

Jordanova, Malina; Lievens, Frank (Hrsg). Global telemedicine and eHealth updates : Knowledge resources. Luxemburg: International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) 2012 S. 473 - 477 (Bd. 5)

Benzschawel, Stefan; Zimmermann, Heiko

Architecture and security of a national eHealth platform (Deliverable for WP 7, WP 8, WP 13) (Version 1.06)

Luxemburg: CRP Henri Tudor 2011

Benzschawel, Stefan

Konzept der eHealth-Plattform für Luxemburg

HL7-Mitteilungen. Bd. 29. 2011 S. 36 - 37