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Mathematical Models for COVID-19 Dynamics

Laufzeit: ab 01.02.2020

Partner: Dr. Wolfgang Bock (TU KL), Dr. habil. Jan Pablo Burgard (U Trier), MOCOS Poland, Dr. Naleen Ganegoda (Sri Lanka), Prof. Edy Soewono (ITB Bandung)



Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemics in 2020 we are working together with colleagues from all over the world on mathematical models and simulations for the dynamics of the disease spread.

Colleagues in Wroclaw, Poland (Prof. Tyll Krueger and his group) initiated the MOCOS-group focussing on stochastic microstructure simulation for the spread of COVID-19.
The group in Koblenz in concentrating on deterministic models based on differential equations.

Currently we are...

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemics in 2020 we are working together with colleagues from all over the world on mathematical models and simulations for the dynamics of the disease spread.

Colleagues in Wroclaw, Poland (Prof. Tyll Krueger and his group) initiated the MOCOS-group focussing on stochastic microstructure simulation for the spread of COVID-19.
The group in Koblenz in concentrating on deterministic models based on differential equations.

Currently we are investigating the effects of different variants on the SARS-COV-2 virus on the dynamics

The time-dependent local reproduction number for the counties in Northern Rhineland-Palatinate (graph by Silja Mohrmann)

and the effect of removing contact restrictions over Christmas (graph by Moritz Schäfer)


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