Dipl.-Math. Robert Lauter
FB 08 - Physik, Mathematik und Informatik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
- 06131/39-22828
- 06131/
Lauter, Robert
A multidimensional holomorphic functional calculus for psi-0-algebras with methods of J.L. TaylorGheondea, Aurelian (Hrsg). Topics in operator theory, operator algebras and applications : 15th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timiÿðsoara (Romania), June 6 - 10, 1994. Bucharest: Inst. of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy 1995 S. 193 - 221
Lauter, Robert
Spectral invariance and the holomorphic functional calculus of J.L. Taylor in $Psi*$-algebrasJournal of operator theory. Bd. 32. H. 2. Bucharest: The Theta Foundation 1994 S. 311 - 329