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Martin Entling

Prof. Dr. Martin Entling

Institut für Umweltwissenschaften Landau, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Fortstraße 7, 76829 Landau, Raum: Gebäude I, Raum 3.08

  • 06341/280-31537
  • 06341/280-31185
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Valérie, Coudrain; Christof, Schüepp; Felix, Herzog et al.

Habitat amount modulates the effect of patch isolation on host-parasitoid interactions

Frontiers in Environmental Science. Bd. 2. Lausanne: Frontiers Media 2014 8

Schueepp, Christof; Uzman, Deniz; Herzog, Felix et al.

Habitat isolation affects plant-herbivore-enemy interactions on cherry trees

BIOLOGICAL CONTROL. Bd. 71. 2014 S. 56 - 64

Binz, Hellena; Bucher, Roman; Entling, Martin H. et al.

Knowing the risk : crickets distinguish between spider predators of different size and commonness

Ethology. Bd. 120. H. 1. Berlin: Wiley 2014 S. 99 - 110

Binz, Hellena; Bucher, Roman; Entling, Martin H. et al.

Knowing the Risk: Crickets Distinguish between Spider Predators of Different Size and Commonness

ETHOLOGY. Bd. 120. H. 1. 2014 S. 99 - 110

Bucher, Roman; Binz, Hellena; Menzel, Florian et al.

Spider cues stimulate feeding, weight gain and survival of crickets

Ecological entomology. Bd. 39. H. 6. Oxford [u.a.]: Blackwell 2014 S. 667 - 673

Hudson, Lawrence N.; Newbold, Tim; Contu, Sara et al.

The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts

ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. Bd. 4. H. 24. 2014 S. 4701 - 4735

Mestre, L.; Bucher, R.; Entling, M. H.

Trait-mediated effects between predators: ant chemical cues induce spider dispersal

JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. Bd. 293. H. 2. 2014 S. 119 - 125

Birkhofer, Klaus; Entling, Martin; Lubin, Yael

Agroecology: Trait composition, spatial relationships, trophic interactions.

Penney, David; Norman, Patrick I. (Hrsg). Spider Research in the 21st Century : trends & perspectives. Manchester UK: Siri Scientific Press 2013 S. 200 - 228

Buse, Jörn; Heinrich, Carolin; Weiter, Siegfried et al.

Die Dungkäfer einer neu eingerichteten Waldweide bei St. Martin in der Pfalz

Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv. Bd. 50. H. 9. 2013 S. 361 - 369

Coudrain, Valerie; Herzog, Felix; Entling, Martin H.

Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Abundance, Larval Food and Parasitism of a Spider-Hunting Wasp

PLOS ONE. Bd. 8. H. 3. 2013