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Marie-Louise Brunner

Dr. Marie-Louise Brunner , Tandem-Professorin

Hochschule Trier

  • 0000-0002-8191-1118
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Brunner, Marie-Louise; Diemer, Stefan

Meaning Negotiation and Customer Engagement in a Digital BELF Setting: A Study of Instagram Company Interactions

Iperstoria: Journal of American and English Studies. Bd. 13. H. 1. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Verona  2019 S. 15 - 33

Brunner, Marie-Louise; Diemer, Stefan; Schmidt, Selina

"I mean ... we have good coffee in Italy ... why do we need Starbucks?": 'America' in the Construction and Negotiation of European Identities

Fellner, Astrid M.; Ostapchuk, Tetiana; Schlimbach, Bärbel (Hrsg). (Pop) cultures on the move: Transnational identifications and cultural exchange between East and West. Saarbrücken: Universaar 2018 S. 17 - 33

Brunner, Marie-Louise; Diemer, Stefan; Schmidt, Selina

“It’s always different when you look something from the inside”: Linguistic innovation in a corpus of ELF Skype conversations

Deshors, Sandra C.; Götz, Sandra; Laporte, Samantha (Hrsg). Rethinking Linguistic Creativity in Non-native Englishes. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2018 S. 193 - 220

Brunner, Marie-Louise; Diemer, Stefan

“Okay … so … nice to meet you? {smiles}”: Openings in ELF Skype conversations

The Construction of Discourse as Verbal Interaction. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2018 S. 171 - 197

Brunner, Marie-Louise; Diemer, Stefan

“You are struggling forwards, and you don’t know, and then you … you do code-switching…”: Code-switching in ELF Skype conversations

Journal of English as a Lingua Franca. Bd. 7. H. 1. De Gruyter 2018 S. 59 - 88

Diemer, Stefan; Brunner, Marie-Louise

Das britische und das amerikanische Frühstück: Kulturelle Konturen und interkulturelle Funktionen

Wierlacher, Alois (Hrsg). Kulinaristik des Frühstücks / Breakfast across cultures. München: Iudicium 2018 S. 115 - 134

Brunner, Marie-Louise; Diemer, Stefan; Schmidt, Selina

“... okay so good luck with that ((laughing))?”: Managing rich data in a corpus of Skype conversations

Hiltunen, Turo; McVeigh, Joe; Säily, Tanja (Hrsg). Big and Rich Data in English Corpus Linguistics: Methods and explorations. Bd. Studies in Variation: Contacts and Change in English, Bd. 19. online: University of Helsinki 2017

Brunner, Marie-Louise

Interkomprehensionsdidaktik in der Praxis: Eine Fallstudie zu interkomprehensiven Erschließungsprozessen

Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht. Bd. 22. H. 2. Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt 2017 S. 128 - 142

Brunner, Marie-Louise; Diemer, Stefan

The British and American Breakfast: Cultural contours and intercultural functions

Jahrbuch für Kulinaristik. München: Iudicium 2017 S. 363 - 367