Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Löffelholz
FB 04 - Universitätsmedizin, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
- 06131/39-33260
- 06131/39-36611
- loeffelh@mail.uni-mainz.de
Klein, J.; Lindmar, R.; Löffelholz, K.
Muscarinic activation of phosphatidylcholine hydrolysisProgress in brain research. Bd. 109. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier 1996 S. 201 - 208
Klein, J.; Chalifa, V.; Liscovitch, M. et al.
Role of Phospholipase D Activation in Nervous System Physiology and PathophysiologyJournal of neurochemistry. official journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry. Bd. 65. H. 4. Oxford: Blackwell Science 1995 S. 1445 - 1455
Löffelholz, K.; Lindmar, R.; Levy, M.N. et al.
Acetylcholine synthesis and release in the heart.Levy, M.N.; Schwartz, P.J. (Hrsg). Vagal control of the Heart. New York: Futura Publ. Co. 1993 S. 147-159
Löffelholz, K.; Klein, J.; Köppen, A. et al.
The homeostasis of brain cholineMassarelli, R.; Horrocks, L.; Kanfer J.N. (Hrsg). Phospholipids and Signal Transduction. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 1993 S. 327-40
Löffelholz, K.; Lindmar, R.
Phospholipase D in the heart: basal activity and stimulation by phorbol esters and aluminum fluorideNaunyn-Schmiedebergs's Arch. Pharmacol. Bd. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs's Arch. Pharmacol. 1992 S. 607-613