Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Klaus Lubbers
Department of English and Linguistics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
- 06131/39-3404
- 06131/39-3858
Lubbers, K.; Christ, Herbert; Legutke, Michael K.
Understanding Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"Christ, Herbert; Legutke, Michael K. (Hrsg). Fremde Texte verstehen. Tübingen: Narr 1996 S. 231-245
Lubbers, Klaus; Simmons, William S.
Born for the shade: stereotypes of the native american in united states literature and the visual arts, 1776-1894The New England quarterly. a historical review of New England life and letters. Bd. 68. H. 4. Baltimore, Md. [u.a.]. 1995 S. 660 - 663
Lubbers, Klaus
Popular Models of National Identity in Currier & Ives's ChromolithographsAmerikastudien. AmST ; a quarterly. Bd. 40. H. 2. Heidelberg: Winter 1995 S. 163 - 182
Lubbers, K.; Berding, Helmut
Modelle nationaler Identität in amerikanischer LiteraturBerding, Helmut (Hrsg). Nationales Bewußtsein und Kollektive Identität. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 1994 S. 82-111
Lubbers, K.
Strategies of Appropriating the West: The Evidence of Indian Peace MedalsAmerican Art. Bd. American Art. 1994 S. 3-19