Dr. Katherine Munoz Sepulveda
Ökologische Chemie, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Blaszkewicz, M.; Munoz Sepulveda, K.; Degen, G. H
Methods for analysis of citrinin in human blood and urineArchives of Toxicology. Bd. 87. H. 6. Berlin, Heidelberg. 2013 S. 1087 - 1094
Degen, G. H.; Munoz, K.; Hengstler, J. G.
Occurrence of mycotoxins in breast milk, in Handbook of dietary and nutritional aspects of human breast milkWatson, Ronald Ross; Zibadi, Sherma; Preedy, Victor R. (Hrsg). Handbook of dietary and nutritional aspects of human breast milk. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ. 2013 S. 813 - 831
Munoz, K; Wollin, K-M; Kalhoff, H et al.
Zum Vorkommen des Mykotoxin Ochratoxin A in Muttermilchproben aus DeutschlandGesundheitswesen. Bd. 75. H. 4. 2013 S. 194 - 197
Andrea Muñoz Sepúlveda, Katherine
Development of biomonitoring methods for the mycotoxin ochratoxin A and their application to assess infants' exposure with human milkAachen: Shaker 2012 158 S.
Munoz, K; Campos, V; Blaszkewicz, M et al.
Lactational Transfer of the Mycotoxin Ochratoxin A in HumansNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. Bd. 385. H. 1 Supplement. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer 2012 S. 62
Munoz, K; Vega, M; Rios, G et al.
Mycotoxin production by different ochratoxigenic Aspergillus and Penicillium species on coffee- and wheat-based mediaMycotox Res. Bd. 27. H. 4. 2011 S. 239 - 247
Munoz, K; Blaszkewicz, M; Campos, V et al.
Exposure of neonates to ochratoxin A: first biomonitoring results in human milk (colostrum) from ChileMycotox Res. Bd. 26. H. 2. 2010 S. 59 - 67
Munoz, K; Blaszkewicz, M; Degen, GH
Simultaneous analysis of ochratoxin A and its major metabolite ochratoxin alpha in plasma and urine for an advanced biomonitoring of the mycotoxin.J Chromatography B. Bd. 878. H. 27. 2010 S. 2623 - 2629
Vega, M; Munoz, K; Sepulveda, C et al.
Solid-phase extraction and HPLC determination of ochratoxin A in cereals products on Chilean marketFood Control. Bd. 20. H. 7. 2009 S. 631 - 634
Munoz, K; Vega, M; Rios, G et al.
Preliminary study of ochratoxin A in human plasma in agricultural zones of Chile and its relation to food consumptionFood and Chemical Toxicology. Bd. 44. Elsevier 2006 S. 1084 - 1089