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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Bühler

Hochschule Trier


Resch, Matthias; Bühler, Jochen; Schachler, Birgit et al.

Techno-Economic Assessment of Flexibility Options Versus Grid Expansion in Distribution Grids

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Bd. 36. H. 5. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2021 S. 3830 - 3839

Resch, Matthias; Bühler, Jochen; Schachler, Birgit et al.

Technical and economic comparison of grid supportive vanadium redox flow batteries for primary control reserve and community electricity storage in Germany

International Journal of Energy Research. Bd. 43. H. 1. John Wiley & Sons 2018 S. 337 - 357

Amme, Jonathan; Pleßmann, Guido; Bühler, Jochen et al.

The eGo grid model : An open-source and open-data based synthetic medium-voltage grid model for distribution power supply systems

Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Bd. 977. IOP Publishing 2018 012007

Resch, Matthias; Bühler, Jochen; Klausen, Mira et al.

Impact of operation strategies of large scale battery systems on distribution grid planning in Germany

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Bd. 74. Elsevier BV 2017 S. 1042 - 1063

Klausen, Mira; Resch, Matthias; Bühler, Jochen

Analyis of a Potential Single and Combined Business Model for Stationary Battery Storage Systems

Energy Procedia. Bd. 99. Elsevier BV 2016 S. 321 - 331

Rascon, Oscar Camacho; Resch, Matthias; Bühler, Jochen et al.

Techno-economic comparison of a schedule-based and a forecast-based control strategy for residential photovoltaic storage systems in Germany

Electrical Engineering. Bd. 98. H. 4. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2016 S. 375 - 383

Quintairos, Ana Gonzalez; Bühler, Jochen; Kleinschmit, Birgit et al.

Analysis of Potential Distribution and Size of Photovoltaic Systems on Rural Rooftops

GI_Forum ‒ Journal for Geographic Information Science. Bd. 1. Wien: ÖAW Verlag 2015 S. 220 - 224

Wiese, Andreas; Hermann, Matthias; Bühler, Jochen et al.

Risikoanalyse von erneuerbaren Energieportfolios

et - Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. Bd. 58. H. 6. 2008 S. 62 - 66