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Joachim Saloga

PD Dr. habil. Joachim Saloga

FB 04 - Universitätsmedizin, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Helmholtzweg (Klinikum), Raum: 401, Raum 142

  • 06131/17-3751
  • 06131/17-6614
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Bellinghausen, I.; Metz, G.; Enk, A. H. et al.

Insect venom immunotherapy induces interleukin-10 production and a Th2-to-Th1 shift, and changes surface marker expression in venom-allergic subjects

European journal of immunology. Bd. 27. H. 5. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH 1997 S. 1131 - 1139

Saloga, Joachim

Spezifische Immuntherapie (Hyposensibilisierung)

Klimek, Ludger (Hrsg). Allergologie und Umweltmedizin : Einführung in Diagnostik und Therapie der Erkrankungen des oberen Respirationstraktes ; mit 44 Tabellen. Stuttgart: Schattauer 1997 S. 157 - 175

Bellinghausen, Iris; Enk, Alexander H.; Mohamadzadeh, Mansour et al.

Epidermal Cells Enhance Interleukin 4 and Immunoglobulin E Production After Stimulation with Protein Allergen

The journal of investigative dermatology. official journal of the Society for Investigative Dermatology and the European Society for Dermatological Research. Bd. 107. H. 4. New York, NY: Nature Publishing Group 1996

Knop, Jürgen; Saloga, Joachim

Methoden zur Erfassung von lebensmittelbedingten Allergien

Eisenbrand, Gerhard (Hrsg). Food allergies and intolerances : Symposium / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Weinheim: VCH 1996 S. 6 - 7

Saloga, Joachim; Gelfand, E. W.; Knop, Jürgen


Experimental dermatology. Bd. 5. H. 2. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 1996 S. 65 - 71

Müller, Gabriele; Saloga, Joachim; Germann, Tieno et al.

IL-12 as Mediator and Adjuvant for the Induction of Contact Sensitivity In Vivo

The journal of immunology. official journal of the American Association of Immunologists. Bd. 155. H. 10. Bethesda, Md.: American Assoc. of Immunologists 1995 S. 4661 - 4668

Saloga, J.; Belllinghausen, I.; Enk, A. et al.

Interleukin 12 Production and Responsiveness in Atopic Dermatitis

Allergo J. Bd. Allergo J. 1995 S. 333-335

Saloga, Joachim; Enk, Alexander H.; Becker, Detlef et al.

Modulation of Contact Sensitivity Responses by Bacterial Superantigen

The journal of investigative dermatology. official journal of the Society for Investigative Dermatology and the European Society for Dermatological Research. Bd. 105. H. 2. New York, NY: Nature Publishing Group 1995 S. 220 - 224