Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hossein Arefi
Fachbereich Technik, Hochschule Mainz
- 06131/628-1411
Ph.D. Degree: In photogrammetry and Remote sensing (Sep. 2009)
at University Munich (UniBW), Topic: “From LIDAR Point Clouds to 3D Building Models”
M.Sc. Degree: In photogrammetry and Geoinformatics (Mar. 2002)
at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Topic: “Detection and Classification of Buildings and Trees in Laser Range Images”
B.Sc. Degree: In surveying engineering (Mar. 1995),
at University of Tehran, Iran
• Evaluation of Errors in Digital Terrain Models Generated by High Resolution Satellite Images, Amirreza Saati, (Sep. 2010)
• Automatic Generation of an Enhanced Prismatic Model from Buildings Containing Multi-Level Flat-Roof Structures using LiDAR Data, Maryam Sajadian, (Jan. 2014)
• LOD0 Generation using LiDAR Data in Mountainous and Urban Areas, Ahmad Hosseini Fathabad, (Sep. 2014)
• Fusion of LiDAR Data and Aerial Images for Building Extraction in Urban Area with high coverage of Vegetation, Mohsen Rezaei, (Sep. 2015)
• Crop Monitoring using InSAR Data, Sara Mirzaei, (Sep. 2015)
• Fusion of DEMs and Hyperspectral Images for Building Extraction and DEM Enhancement, Bahareh Abbasi, (Sep. 2015)
• Building Change Detection based on Object Oriented Classification Methods using WV2 Stereo Images, Mahdi Gharibi, (Sep. 2015)
• 3D Reconstruction of Complex Building Using LiDAR Data, Hossein Hashemi, (Sep. 2015)
• Grammar-Based Building Modelling using handheld Laser Scanner, Fatemeh Sadeghi, (Sep. 2015)
• Assessment of Classification Algorithms for topographic Feature Extraction using LiDAR Data and Aerial Images, Zinat Ghavami, (Sep. 2015)
• Quality Assessment of Generated DEM using Multi View Image Matching Techniques, Ahmad Vafigh Mahphood, (Sep. 2015)
• Automatic Road Network Updating using High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images, Sara Rahimi, (Sep. 2015)
• 3D Change Detection and Updating from High Resolution DSM, Hasan Khoramgah, (Sep. 2016)
• DSM Generation based on Improved Semi Global Matching Algorithm using High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images in Urban Areas, Nourolah Tatar, (Jan. 2016)
• Simplification of Obtained Point Cloud from Multi View Photogrammetry for 3D Buildings Reconstruction, Rahim Mohammadzadeh, (Sep. 2016)
• Analysis of the Solar Potential Of Roof surfaces Using LiDAR Data, Sharareh Akbarian, (Jan. 2017)
• Possibility of Airborne Geophysics and Remote Sensing Data Integration for Mineral Exploration, Maryam Lotfi, (Sep. 2017)
• Building Inventory using Remotely Sensed Data, Saba Mola Ebrahimi, (Sep. 2017)
• Forest Inventory using Low Cost LiDAR Data, Fariba Bayat, (2018)
• Classification of 3D Objects with Colored point Clouds from Low Cost Aerial Imageries, Ali Rahimi, (2018)
• Development of Low Cost Sensors for Autonomous Wildlife Monitoring, Milad Mirzaei, (2018)
• Analysis of Urban Growth based on Fusion of Optical and Radar Images, Sona Salehian, (2018)
• Biomass Estimation using Image-based Point Cloud, Hafez Fathipour, (2019)
• Improvement of Persistent-Scatterer Interferometry by Polarimetric Data for Landslide Monitoring, Tina Nikaein, (2019)
• Identification of Urban Heat Island using Remotely Sensed Data, Anahita Asadi, (2019)
• Rapid Damage Mapping using Low Cost Aerial Sensors, Mahdieh Yousefi, (Current)
• Application of Low Cost Aerial Platforms in Accurate Determination of Boundary Conditions and Inflow Modeling in the Open Pit Mines, Mohammad Mahdi Ghosian Moghadam, (2019)
• Building Reconstruction based on Model Driven and Data Driven Algorithms using Image-based Point Cloud, Shirin Malihi, (2019)
• Georeferencing of Push Broom Satellite Images based on 3D Matching Algorithms for DEMs, Hamed Afsharnia, (2020)
• Convolutional Neural Network Development to Classification of Hyperspectral Images, Tayeb Alipour Fard, (2020)
• Semi-Automatic 3D Reconstruction Based on Deformable Models from Medical X-ray Images, Sahar Hoseinian, (2021)
• Knowledge based Approach for Building Detection and Reconstruction based on Deep Learning Concepts using Aerial Images and LiDAR Data, Fatemeh Alidoost, (2020)
• Depth Prediction with Convolutional Neural Networks, Hamed Amini, (2020)
• Topography and Surface Modelling using PolSAR Data Features, Mohsen Jafari, (2020)
• Arefi H., Detection and Classification of Buildings and Trees in Laser Range Images, Master Thesis, 2002
• Arefi H., Hahn M., and Lindenberger J., LIDAR Data Classification with Remote Sensing Tools. In ISPRS Joint Workshop on Challenges in Geospatial Analysis, Integration and Visualization II, pages 131 - 136, Stuttgart, Germany, 2003
• Arefi H., Hahn M., Samadzadegan F. Comparison of clustering techniques applied to laser data. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. 35; part. 7, pages 38-43, 2004
• Arefi, H., Hahn, M., A Hierarchical Procedure for Segmentation and Classification of Airborne LIDAR Images. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS ’05). Volume: 7, On page(s): 4950- 4953, 205, 2005
• Arefi, H., Hahn, M., A morphological reconstruction algorithm for separating off-terrain points from terrain points in laser scanning data. Proceedings of the ISPRSWorkshop Laser scanning 2005. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 46, Part 3/W19, Enschede, the Netherlands, 12.-14.9.2005
• Arefi, H., Hahn, M., Extraction of spacious buildings from airborne LiDAR data, project report to research institute of University of Applied Sciences (Joseph-von-Egle-Institut), 2006
• Arefi, H., Hahn, M., Generating Digital Terrain Models from Lidar Data, Geomatics 86 Conference, National Cartographic Center, Iran
• Arefi, H., Engels J., Hahn, M., Mayer H., Automatic DTM generation from laser-scanning data in residential hilly area, ISPRSWorkshop, Visualization and Exploration of Geospatial Data, June 27-29, 2007, Stuttgart (Germany)
• Günay A., Arefi, H., Hahn, M., True Orthophoto Production by Using LIDAR data, ISPRS Workshop, Visualization and Exploration of Geospatial Data, June 27-29, 2007, Stuttgart (Germany)
• Günay A., Arefi, H., Hahn, M., (2007) Semi-Automatic True Orthophoto Production by Using LIDAR Data. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS07)
• Günay A., Arefi, H., Hahn, Lidar Verisi Kullanarak Gercek Ortofoto Üretimi (in Turkish), Photogrammetry Symposium 2007
• Arefi, H., Engels J., Hahn, M., Mayer H., Approximation of Building Boundaries, 26th Urban Data Management Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2007
• Arefi, H., Engels J., Hahn, M., Automatic building outlines detection and approximation from airborne LIDAR data, 26th Urban Data Management Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2007
• Arefi, H., Engels J., Hahn, M., Mayer, H., Levels of Detail in 3D Building Reconstruction from LIDAR Data, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2008, 37 (B3b), 485 - 490
• Engels, J., Arefi, H., Hahn, M., Generation of Roof Topologies Using Plane Fitting with RANSAC, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2008, B3a: 119
• Miraliakbari, A., Hahn, M., Arefi, H., Engels, J., Extraction of 3D Straight Lines Using LIDAR Data and Aerial Images, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2008, B4: 1417
• Arefi, H., d’Angelo, P., Mayer, Reinartz, P., Automatic generation of digital terrain models from Cartosat-1 stereo images. ISPRS workshop Hannover 2009, 2-5 June 2009, Hannover, Germany. ISSN 1682-1777
• Arefi, H., From LIDAR Point Clouds to 3D Building Models , PhD Thesis, 2009,
• Arefi, H., Reinartz, P., Elimination of the outliers from Aster GDEM data. Canadian Geomatics Conference 2010, 14-18 June 2010 , Calgary, Canada
• Arefi, H., Hahn, M., and Reinartz, P., Ridge based decomposition of complex buildings for 3D model generation from high resolution digital surface models. ISPRS Workshop Istanbul, Turkey, 2010
• Saati, A., Arefi, H., Schmitt, M., Stilla, U., Statistically robust detection and evaluation of errors in DTMs, JURSE 2011Workshop, Munich, Germany, 2010
• Saati, A., Arefi, H., Aeini, N. and Reinartz , P., Accuracy assessment of Digital Surface Models generated by Semi global matching algorithm using Lidar data, SMPR2011 Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2011
• Krauss, T., Arefi, H., and Reinartz P., Evaluation of selected methods for extracting Digital Terrain Models from satellite born Digital Surface Models in urban areas, SMPR2011 Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2011
• Arefi, H., Reinartz P., Building Reconstruction from WorldView DEM Using Image Information, SMPR2011 Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2011
• Arefi, H., d’Angelo, P., Mayer H. and Reinartz, P., (2011) Iterative approach for efficient Digital Terrain Model production from CARTOSAT-1 stereo images, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 5. SPIE Digital Library
• Arefi, H., Reinartz, P., Accuracy Enhancement of ASTER Global Digital Elevation Models Using ICESat Data, Remote Sensing Journal, 3(7), 1323-1343, 2011
• Sirmacek, B., Arefi, H. and Krauss, T.,Performance Assessment of Fully Automatic Three-Dimensional City Model Reconstruction Methods, In: ISPRS Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XXXIXB3, pp. 331-337. Copernicus Publications. XXII ISPRS Congress 2012, 25. Aug. 01. Sep. 2012, Melbourne, Australia. ISSN doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XXXIX-B3- 331-2012
• Arefi, H., Reinartz, P., Multi-Level Building Reconstruction for Automatic Enhancement of High Resolution DSMS. In: ISPRS Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XXXIX-B2, pp. 11-16. Copernicus Publications. XXII ISPRS Congress 2012, 25. Aug. 01. Sep. 2012, Melbourne, Australia. ISSN doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XXXIX-B2-11-2012
• Krauss, T., Sirmacek, B., Arefi, H. and Reinartz, P. (2012) Fusing stereo and multispectral data from WorldView-2 for urban modeling. In: Proc. SPIE, 8390 (2012). SPIE. SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2012, 23-27 Apr 2012, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2012
• Arefi, H., Alizadeh A. and Ghafouri, A., Building Extraction Using Surface Model Classification. GIS Ostrava 2013 - Geoinformatics for City Transformations, 21 - 23 Jan 2013 , Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2013
• Hujebri, B., Samadzadegan, F., and Arefi, H. (2013) 3D Reconstruction of Building’s Roof Using LiDAR Point Clouds [in Persian]. In: NCC Geomatics Conference 2013, Tehran, Iran, 2013
• Sajadian, M., and Arefi, H. (2013) Simultaneous Segmentation and Extraction of Building Points from Airborne Laser Scanner [in Persian]. In: NCC Geomatics Conference 2013, Tehran, Iran, 2013
• Jafari, S., Arefi, H., Vajedian, S. (2013) Analysis and Correction of Atmospheric Effects in Interferometric Measurements [in Persian]. In: NCC Geomatics Conference 2013, Tehran, Iran, 2013
• Sajadian, M., and Arefi, H. (2013) Automatic Generation of an Enhanced Prismatic Model from Buildings Containing Multi-Level Flat-Roof Structures using LiDAR Data [in Persian], International conference on civil engineering, architecture and Urban Sustainable.
• Hujebri, B., Samadzadegan, F., and Arefi, H. (2013) Fusion of ALS Point Cloud and Optical Imagery for 3D Reconstruction of Building’s Roof. In: ISPRS Archives Volume XL-1/W3, 2013, XL-1/W3, pp. 197-201. ISPRS. SMPR 2013 Conference, 06-08 Oct. 2013, Tehran, Iran, 2013
• Partovi, T., Arefi, H., Krauss, T. and Reinartz, P. (2013) Automatic Model Selection for 3D Reconstruction of Buildings from Satellite Imagary. In: ISPRS Archives, XL-1/W3, pp. 315- 320. ISPRS. SMPR 2013 Conference, 06-08 Oct. 2013, Tehran, Iran
• Talebi, S., Zarea, A., Sadeghian, S., and Arefi, H. (2013) Detection of Tree Crowns Based on Reclassification Using Aerial Images and Lidar Data. In: ISPRS Archives, XL-1/W3, pp. 415-420. ISPRS. SMPR 2013 Conference, 06-08 Oct. 2013, Tehran, Iran
• Hujebri, B., Samadzadegan, F., and Arefi, H. (2013) Polyhedral Building Segmentation Using Mean Shift Algorithm Based on LiDAR Point Cloud [in Persian]. GEJ.; 4 (4) :25-34.
• Sajadian, M., and Arefi, H. (2013) An Extended RANSAC Algorithm for Approximation of Building Edges in LiDAR Point Clouds [in Persian].In: SMPR 2013 Conference, 06-08 Oct. 2013, Tehran, Iran
• Sajadian, M., Arefi, H., Building Roof Extraction and Roofs' Edge Estimation using LiDAR Point Cloud [in Persian], the 8th Image Processing and Computer Vision Conference, 2013.
• Carl, S., Bärisch, S., Lang, F., d'Angelo, P., Arefi, H., Reinartz, P. (2013) Operational Generation of High-Resolution Digital Surface Models from Commercial Tri-Stereo Satellite Data, Journal of Photogrammetric Week'13, pp. 261-269.
• Alizadeh Naeini A, Khazaie S, Arefi H, Jamshidzadeh A. Automated bias compensation of RPCs of IRS-P5 satellite images using DEM [in Persian]. 3. 2014; 2 (3) :75-90.
• Mirzaei, S.,Motagh, M., Arefi, H. , Monitoring Phenological Changes of Different Crop Types in Doroud Region, West of Iran, Using Dual Polarimetric Tandem-X Images, 34th Earsel Symposium, 2014
• Reinartz, P., Tian, J., Arefi, H., Krauss, T., Kuschk, G., and Partovi, T., Advances in DSM Generation and Higher Level Information Extraction from High Resolution Optical Stereo Satellite Data, 34th Earsel Symposium, 2014
• Partovi, T., Krauß, T., Arefi, H., Omidalizarandi, M., Reinartz P., (2014) Model-driven 3D building reconstruction based on integeration of DSM and spectral information of satellite images, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International. pp. 3168-3171.
• Hujebri, B., Samadzadegan, F., and Arefi, H. (2014) Building Reconstruction Based on the Data Fusion of Lidar Point Cloud and Aerial Imagery [in Persian], Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology, 3(4) :103-130
• S. Talebi, A. Zarea, S. Sadeghian, H. Arefi. A Hierarchical Unsupervised Method for Tree Detection Using Aerial Imagery and LiDAR [in Persian]. GEJ. 2014; 5 (3) :55-66.
• M. Sajadian, H. Arefi. A Multi-Agent Method for Simultaneous Building Extraction and Segmentation from LiDAR Point Cloud [in Persian]. JGST. 2014; 4 (2) :53-65.
• Gharibi, M., Arefi, H., Rasti, H., Automatic Building Map Updating Using Worldview-2 Stereo Images and Existing Outdated Building Map, In: ISPRS Archives, XL-2/W3, pp. 131-136. GIResearch 2014 Conference, 1517 November 2014, Tehran, Iran
• Alipour Fard, T., Arefi, H., Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images by Combination of Non-Parametric Weighted Feature Extraction (NWFE) and Modified Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE), In: ISPRS Archives, XL-2/W3, pp. 31-34. GIResearch 2014 Conference, 1517 November 2014, Tehran, Iran
• Arefi, H., Hashemi, H., Krauss, Th., Updating Lidar DSM Using High Resolution Stereo-Based DSM from Worldview-2, In: ISPRS Archives, XL-2/W3, pp. 59-64. GIResearch 2014 Conference, 1517 November 2014, Tehran, Iran
• Hosseini, S. A., Arefi, H., Gharib, Z. Filtering of Lidar Point Cloud Using a Strip based Algorithm in Residential Mountainous Areas, In: ISPRS Archives, XL-2/W3, pp. 157-162. GIResearch 2014 Conference, 1517 November 2014, Tehran, Iran
• Mirzaee, S., Motagh, M., Arefi, H., Classification of agricultural fields using time series of dual polarimetry TerraSAR-X images , In: ISPRS Archives, XL-2/W3, pp. 191-196. GIResearch 2014 Conference, 1517 November 2014, Tehran, Iran
• Hoseini, S.A., Arefi, H., LiDAR Point Cloud Filtering using WV2-based DEMs [in Persian], National Geomatics Conference, 2014.
• Hashemi, H., Arefi, H., LiDAR DEM Updating using WV2-based DEMs [in Persian], National Geomatics Conference, 2014.
• Sajadian, M., Arefi, H., A Data Driven Method for Building Reconstruction from Lidar Point Clouds, In: ISPRS Archives, XL-2/W3, pp. 225-230. GIResearch 2014 Conference, 1517 November 2014, Tehran, Iran
• Alipour Fard, T., Hassanlou, M., Arefi, H., Classifier Fusion of High-Resolution Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Satellite Imagery for Classification in Urban Area, In: ISPRS Archives, XL-2/W3, pp. 25-29. GIResearch 2014 Conference, 1517 November 2014, Tehran, Iran
• Abbasi, B., Arefi, H., Bigdeli, B., Roessner, S., Automatic Generation of Training Data For Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Support Vector Machine, In: The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment 11-15 May 2015, Berlin, Germany
• Mirzaee, S., Motagh, M., Arefi, H., Nooryazdan, A., Phenological tracking of agricultural fields investigated by using dual polarimetry tanDEM-X images, In: The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment 11-15 May 2015, Berlin, Germany
• Abbasi, B., Arefi, H., Bigdeli, B., Motagh, M., Roessner, S., Fusion of Hyperspectral and LiDAR data based on dimension reduction and maximum likelihood, In: The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment 11-15 May 2015, Berlin, Germany
• H. Hashemi, H. Arefi, M. Gharibi, H. Khorramgah. Updating Lidar DSM Using High Resolution Stereo-Based DSM from WorldView-2 [in Persian]. GEJ. 2015; 6 (2) :57-66.
• Sadeghi, F., H. Arefi, A. Fallah. 3D Building Facade Reconstruction Using Handheld Laser Scanning Data. International Conference on Sensors & Models in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kish, November 23-25, 2015.
• Mirzaei, Sara, Hamyd Zafarani, and Hossein Arefi. Assessment of Reference Height Models on Quality of TANDEM-X DEM. International Conference on Sensors & Models in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kish, November 23-25, 2015.
• M. Sajadian, H. Arefi. A Non-Parametric Method for 3D Building Reconstruction Using Airborne Laser Scanner Point Clouds [in Persian]. JGST. 2015; 5 (2) :167-180.
• Tatar, Norollah, Mohammad Saadat Seresht, Hossein Arefi, and Ahmad Hadavand. A New Object-Based Framework to Detect Shadows in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery over Urban Areas. International Conference on Sensors & Models in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kish, November 23-25, 2015.
• Rahimi, Sara, Hossein Arefi, and Reza Bahmanyar. Automatic Road Extraction Based on Integration of High Resolution Lidar and Aerial Imagery. International Conference on Sensors & Models in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kish, November 23-25, 2015.
• Abbasi, Bahareh, Hossein Arefi, A Dimension Reduction-Based Method for Classification of Hyperspectral and Lidar Data. International Conference on Sensors & Models in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kish, November 23-25, 2015.
• Hosseinian, Sahar, and Hossein Arefi. 3D Reconstruction from Multi-View Medical X-Ray Images – Review and Evaluation of Existing Methods. International Conference on Sensors & Models in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kish, November 23-25, 2015.
• Tatar, Norollah, Mohammad Saadat Seresht, Hossein Arefi, and Ahmad Hadavand. Quasi-Epipolar Resampling of High Resolution Satellite Stereo Imagery for Semi Global Matchin. International Conference on Sensors & Models in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kish, November 23-25, 2015.
• Afsharnia, Hamed, and Hossein Arefi. Accuracy Improvement by the Least Squares Image Matching Evaluated on the CARTOSAT-1. International Conference on Sensors & Models in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kish, November 23-25, 2015.
• F. Alidoost, A. Azizi, H. Arefi, (2015). The Rational Polynomial Coefficients Modification Using Digital Elevation Models. In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Kish, Iran, Vol. XL-1/W5, pp. 47-50.
• F. Alidoost, H. Arefi, (2015). An Image-Based Technique for 3D Building Reconstruction Using Multi-View Aerial Images. In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Kish, Iran, Vol. XL-1/W5, pp. 43-46.
• F. Alidoost, H. Arefi, (2016). Knowledge Based 3D Building Model Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks from LiDAR and Aerial Imageries. In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XLI-B3, pp. 833-840.
• F. Alidoost, H. Arefi, (2016). Synergistic Use of LiDAR Data and Aerial Image based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Building Model Recognition [in Persian], Engineering Journal of Information Technology.
• Tatar N, Saadatseresht M, Arefi H, Hadavand A. Developing New Index to Object-Based Shadow Detection from High Resolution Satellite Images over Urban Area [in Persian]. JGST. 2016; 5 (4) :11-21.
• Gharibi M, Arefi H, Rastiveis H, Hashemi H. Building Map Updating Based on Active Contour Models [in Persian]. JGST. 2016; 5 (4) :211-225.
• Tatar N, Saadat Seresht M, Arefi H. Epipolar Resampling of High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images without Rational Polynomial Coefficients for Semi Global Matching [in Persian]. JGST. 2016; 6 (1) :263-274.
• Malihi, Shirin, and Hossein Arefi. "3D Building Reconstruction Using Dense Photogrammetric Point Cloud." XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, July 12-19, 2016.
• Hosseinian, Sahar, and Hossein Arefi. "Assessment of Restoration Methods of X-Ray Images with Emphasis on Medical Photogrammetric Usage." XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, July 12-19, 2016.
• Lotfi, M., Arefi, H., Bahroudi, A. (2016), The Porphyry Copper Deposit Estimation using Hyperspectral Data and Spectrometer Library [in Persian], International Conference on New Ideas in Architecture, Urbanism, Geography and Environment Sustainability, Mashhad, Iran.
• Tatar N, Saadatsresht M, Arefi H. Outlier Detection and Relative RPC Modification of Satellite Stereo Images Using RANSAC+RPC Algorithm [in Persian]. 3. 2016; 4 (3) :43-56.
• Mohammadzadeh, M.R., Arefi, H. (2017), Assessment of Surface Triangulation and Mesh Simplification methods using Hausdorff Distance Factor [in Persian], National Geomatic Conference, NCC, Tehran, Iran.
• Arefi, H., Ghavami, Z., Janalipour, M., Bigdeli, B., (2017), Urban Objects Classification based on Data Fusion of Lidar and Aerial images and SVM Methods [in Persian], National Geomatic Conference, NCC, Tehran, Iran.
• Arefi, H., Khoramgah, H., (2017), 3D Change Detection using Self Organizing Neural Network [in Persian], National Geomatic Conference, NCC, Tehran, Iran.
• Mohammadzadeh, M.R., Aghayari, S., Arefi, H. (2017), DEM Generation using Affine Algorithms and Parallel to Perspective Transformation [in Persian], National Geomatic Conference, NCC, Tehran, Iran.
• Akbarian, Sh., Arefi, H., Mola Ebrahimi, S., Rahimi, S. (2017), Estimation of Solar Potential of Roofs' Buildings using LiDAR Data [in Persian], National Geomatic Conference, NCC, Tehran, Iran.
• Hosseinian, S. and Arefi, H.: Photogrammetry in 3D Modelling of Human Bone Structures from Radiographs, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2/W4, 115-121, doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W4-115-2017, 2017.
• M Lotfi, H Ghanbari, H Arefi, A Bahroudi, Mapping Alteration Zones using Gaussian Mixture Model and Spectral Angle Mapper [in Persian], Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 6 (4), 217-229, 2017.
• H Afsharnia, H Arefi, MA Sharifi, Optimal weight design approach for the geometrically-constrained matching of satellite stereo images, Remote Sensing 9 (9), 965, 2017.
• S Mola Ebrahimi, H Arefi, H Rasti Veis. Aerial Imagery and Lidar Data Fusion For Unambiguous Extraction Of Adjacent Level-Buildings’footprints, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, Volume 42, 2017.
• A Mahphood, H Arefi, A Data Driven Method For Flat Roof Building Reconstruction From Lidar Point Clouds, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, Volume 42, 2017
• F Alidoost, H Arefi, Comparison of Uas-Based Photogrammetry Software for 3d Point Cloud Generation: a Survey Over a Historical Site, ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, pp. 55-61, 2017
• H Amini Amirkolaee, H Arefi, 3D Semantic Labeling using Region Growing Segmentation Based on Structural and Geometric Attributes, [in Persian], Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology, 7(2), pp 1-16, 2017
• F. Alidoost, H. Arefi, 2017. Application of Deep Learning for Emergency Response and Disaster Management. International AGSE Summer School on Crisis and Disaster Management. Proceedings Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment (AGSE 2017), 120 pp., ISBN 978-3-943321-15-9.
• M. Mirzaie, H. Arefi, F. Alidoost, 2017. Low cost UAV-based Remote Sensing for Autonomous Wildlife Monitoring. International AGSE Summer School on Crisis and Disaster Management. Proceedings Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment (AGSE 2017), 120 pp., ISBN 978-3-943321-15-9.
• H Amini Amirkolaee, H Arefi, 3D Semantic Labeling using Region Growing Segmentation Based on Structural and Geometric Attributes, Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 7 (2), 1-16, 2017
• F Alidoost, H Arefi, A Comparative Assessment of Selected Algorithms on Multi Domain Registration of Remote Sensing Images, Earth Observation and Geomatics Engineering 2 (2), 100-110, 2018
• T Nikaein, H Arefi, V Akbari, Added Value of Multitemporal Polarimetric UAVSAR Data for Permanent Scatterers Detection, IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2018
• T Alipourfard, H Arefi, S Mahmoudi, A novel deep learning framework by combination of subspace-based feature extraction and convolutional neural networks for hyperspectral images classification, IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2018
• MR Mohammadzadeh, H Arefi, F Alidoost, Comprehensive Evaluation of Modeling and Surface Simplification Methods for 3D Building Reconstruction from Dense Point Cloud, Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 7 (4), 163-175, 2018
• N Tatar, M Saadatseresht, H Arefi, A Hadavand, A robust object-based shadow detection method for cloud-free high resolution satellite images over urban areas and water bodies, Advances in Space Research 61 (11), 2787-2800, 2018
• F Alidoost, H Arefi, A CNN-Based Approach for Automatic Building Detection and Recognition of Roof Types Using a Single Aerial Images,PFG–Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 86 …, 2018
• H AREFI, MA SHARIFI, A Novel Bias Correction Method for Replacing Ground Control Points in the Extracted DSM from Cartosat-1 Stereo Images, Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 8 (200644), 199-213, 2018
• H AREFI, MA SHARIFI, A Novel Bias Correction Method for Replacing Ground Control Points in the Extracted DSM from Cartosat-1 Stereo Images, Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 8 (200644), 199-213, 2018
• M Rezaei, M. and Arefi, H. and Rastiveis, H. and Sajadian, Building Extraction and Modeling Using LiDAR Point Clouds Imaging on Two-Dimensional Surface, Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 7 (3), 139-150, 2018
• M Mirzaie, H Arefi, F Alidoost, Low cost UAV-based Remote Sensing for Autonomous Wildlife Monitoring, Geoinformation supporting Crisis and Disaster Management: Applied …, 2018
• F Alidoost, H Arefi, Application of Deep Learning for Emergency Response and Disaster Management, Geoinformation supporting Crisis and Disaster Management: Applied …, 2018
• H Arefi, FJ Behr, F Alidoost, Geoinformation supporting Crisis and Disaster Management: Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment,, 2018
• A Mahphood, H Arefi, Virtual first and last pulse method for building detection from dense LiDAR point clouds, International Journal of Remote Sensing 41 (3), 1067-1092, 2019
• S Hosseinian, H Arefi, N Navab, Toward an End-to-End Calibration for Mobile C-Arm in Combination with a Depth Sensor for Surgical Augmented Reality Applications,¬ Sensors 20 (1), 36, 2019
• H Amini Amirkolaee, H Arefi, Digital surface model extraction with high details using single high resolution satellite image and SRTM global DEM based on deep learning, Engineering Journal of Geospatial Information Technology 7 (3), 91-100 , 2019
• M Jafari, M Hasanlou, H Arefi, SRTM DEM enhancement using a single set of PolSAR data based on the polarimetry-clinometry model, International Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (23), 8979-9002, 2019
• N Tatar, H Arefi, Stereo rectification of pushbroom satellite images by robustly estimating the fundamental matrix, International Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (23), 8879-8898, 2019
• HA Amirkolaee, H Arefi, Monocular depth estimation with geometrical guidance using a multi-level convolutional neural network, Applied Soft Computing 84, 105714, 2019
• N Tatar, H Arefi, EVALUATION OF SELECTED COST AGGREGATION METHODS ON HIGH RESOLUTION SATELLITE STEREO IMAGES, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial …, 2019
• N Tavasoli, H Arefi, S Samiei-Esfahany, Q Ronoud, MODELLING THE AMOUNT OF CARBON STOCK USING REMOTE SENSING IN URBAN FOREST AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH LAND USE CHANGE., International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial …, 2019
• S Hosseinian, H Arefi, N Navab, C-ARM POSE ESTIMATION AND NAVIGATION IN SURGERIES FOR AUGMENTED REALITY APPLICATION. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial …, 2019
• H Amini Amirkolaee, H Arefi, 3D CHANGE DETECTION IN URBAN AREAS BASED ON DCNN USING A SINGLE IMAGE. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial …, 2019
• H Amini Amirkolaee, H Arefi, CNN-based estimation of pre-and post-earthquake height models from single optical images for identification of collapsed buildings, Remote Sensing Letters 10 (7), 679-688, 2019
• H Fathipoor, H Arefi, R Shah-Hosseini, H Moghadam, Corn forage yield prediction using unmanned aerial vehicle images at mid-season growth stage, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 13 (3), 034503, 2019
• S Salehian, H Arefi, R Shah Hosseini, Change Detection in Urban Area Using Decision Level Fusion of Change Maps Extracted from Optic and SAR Images, Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 8 (4), 71-90, 2019
• S Salehian, H Arefi, R Shah Hosseini, Change detection in urban area using decision level fusion of change maps extracted from optical and Polarimetric SAR images, Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 8 (4), 6-7, 2019
• S Salehiyan, H Arefi, R Shah-Hoseini, Fusion of UAVSAR and Quickbird data for Urban Growth Detection, MDPI AG, 2019
• M Jafari, H Arefi, M Hasanlou, Using scattering decomposition to improve the estimation of the topography-induced polarization orientation angle, Remote sensing letters 10 (5), 459-468, 2019
• HA Amirkolaee, H Arefi, Convolutional neural network architecture for digital surface model estimation from single remote sensing image, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 13 (1), 016522, 2019
• HA Amirkolaee, H Arefi, Height estimation from single aerial images using a deep convolutional encoder-decoder network, ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 149, 50-66, 2019
• T Nikaein, H Arefi, V Akbari, Improvement of Persistent Scatterers detection using Polarimetric capability of UAVSAR sensor, Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 8 (3), 163-178, 2019
• MPT Otaghsara, H Arefi, MODELLING URBAN HEAT ISLAND USING REMOTE SENSING AND CITY MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
• SM Yousefi, H Arefi, A Bahroudi, DETECTING PROBABLE ROCKFALLS IN OPEN PIT MINES BASED ON UAV POINT CLOUDS, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
• SM Mozafari, M Hasanlou, H Arefi, AIR POLLUTION ESTIMATION USING AEROSOL OPTICAL THICKNESS BY OLI IMAGES IN TEHRAN, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
• F Bayat, H Arefi, F Alidoost, INDIVIDUAL TREE DETECTION AND DETERMINATION OF TREE PARAMETERS USING UAV-BASED LIDAR DATA, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
• F Alidoost, H Arefi, F Tombari, BUILDING OUTLINE EXTRACTION FROM AERIAL IMAGES USING CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
• F Sadeghi, H Arefi, OCCLUDED AREA REMOVING FROM HANDHELD LASER SCANNER DATA DURING 3D BUILDING MODELLING, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
• A Mahphood, H Arefi, A Hosseininaveh, AA Naeini, DENSE MULTI-VIEW IMAGE MATCHING FOR DSM GENERATION FROM SATELLITE IMAGES, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
• F Alidoost, H Arefi, F Tombari, 2D Image-To-3D Model: Knowledge-Based 3D Building Reconstruction (3DBR) Using Single Aerial Images and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Remote Sensing 11 (19), 2219, 2019