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Hilary  Duffield

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hilary Duffield (former name: Dannenberg)

Anglistik, Universität Trier

Universitätsring 15, 54286 Trier, Raum: B356

  • 0651/2012301
  • 0651/2013928


• Teaching and research in the field of Anglophone literatures, media & cultures
• Supervision and mentoring of student research projects from BA to PhD level
• Design of and responsibility for the MA degree "English Literatures and Media"
• Academic administration

Auszeichnungen, Preise & Ehrungen

Awarded the Perkins Prize in 2010 for the book making the most significant contribution to the study of narrative
(Hilary Dannenberg. Coincidence and Counterfactuality: Plotting Time and Space in Narrative Fiction. Lincoln: Nebraska, 2008).


Reviewer for the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, particularly in the field of narrative studies and narrative theory.


• International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN)

• European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment (easlce)

• Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP)

• Deutsche Gesellschaft für das Studium Britischer Kultur

• Deutscher Anglistenverband


Mitherausgeber, "Trierer Beiträge zu den historischen Kulturwissenschaften", Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden.

DFG Fachgebiet

105-3 - Europäische und Amerikanische Literaturen


Mitarbeiter/in (Anglistik)


  • The history of the novel in English Invasion narratives in British and American fiction film and television British and American television and cinema narratives Green consciousness and environmental crisis in narrative fiction and film media Fantastic journeys in space and time: representations in fiction and film since the nineteenth century Cognitive approaches to literature and media


  • Anglophone Literatures and Media