Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Elmers
Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
- 06131/39-24150
- 06131/39-23807
Elmers, Hans-Joachim; Schönhense, Gerhard
Self-trapping of magnetic oscillation modes in Landau flux-closure structuresPhysical review letters. Bd. 95. H. 20. Ridge, NY: American Physical Society 2005 207201
Elmers, Hans-Joachim; Schönhense, Gerhard
Sub-nanosecond resolution x-ray magnetic circular dichroism photoemission electron microscopy of magnetization processes in a permalloy ringJournal of physics : Condensed matter. Bd. 17. H. 16. Bristol: IOP Publ. Ltd. 2005 S. S1381 - S1395
Jakob, Gerhard; Casper, F.; Beaumont, V. et al.
Thin epitaxial films of the Heusler compound Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4AlJournal of magnetism and magnetic materials. Bd. 290/291. H. 2. 2005 S. 1104 - 1107
Schönhense, Gerhard; Elmers, Hans-Joachim
Strain-induced magnetic anisotropies in Co films on Mo(110)Physical review : B. Bd. 70. H. 18. Ridge, NY: APS 2004 184423
Elmers, HJ; Fecher, GH; Valdaitsev, D et al.
Element-specific magnetic moments from core-absorption magnetic circular dichroism of the doped Heusler alloy Co(2)Cr(0.6)Fe(0.4)AlPHYSICAL REVIEW B. Bd. 67. H. 10. COLLEGE PK: AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC 2003
Felser, C; Heitkamp, B; Kronast, F et al.
Investigation of a novel material for magnetoelectronics: Co(2)Cr(0.6)Fe(0.4)AlJOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. Bd. 15. H. 41. BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD 2003 S. 7019 - 7027
Elmers, Hans-Joachim; Schönhense, Gerhard
Observation of Cu surface inhomogeneities by multiphoton photoemission spectromicroscopyApplied physics letters. Bd. 83. H. 8. Melville, NY: AIP 2003 S. 1503 - 1505
Elmers, Hans-Joachim; Schönhense, Gerhard
Magneto-optical linear dichroism in threshold photoemission electron microscopy of polycrystalline Fe filmsPhysical review letters. Bd. 84. H. 25. Ridge, NY: American Physical Society 2000 S. 5888 - 5891