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Hans-Joachim Elmers

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Elmers

Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Staudingerweg 7, 55128 Mainz, Raum: 03-621

  • 06131/39-24150
  • 06131/39-23807
Curriculum Vitae

Academic education and certificates:

10/1979-02/1985 study of Physics at TU
Clausthal, Physics
Diploma, Diploma thesis
supervised by
Prof. H. D. Doebner

Scientific certificates/degrees:
Dissertation: Physics, TU Clausthal,
1989, supervised by
Prof. U. Gradmann

Habilitation: Experimental Physics,
TU Clausthal, 1996,
mentor Prof. U. Gradmann

Professional career:

03/1985-12/1989 Postgraduate, Physics
Institute, TU Clausthal
01/1990-09/1996 Research Associate,
Physics Institute, TU
10/1996-02/1997 Substitute Professor,
Physics Institute, TU
03/1997-04/1997 Research Associate at
the Max-Planck-
Institute for Micro
structure Physics,
in Halle (Saale)
04/1997-09/1998 Substitute Professor,
Institute of Physics, U
10/1998- Associate Professor
(C3) for Experimental
Physics at Johannes

Organisational skills and competences, other awards:

2010- Member of the Scienti-
fic Selection Panel of
the Helmholtz-Zentrum
2007-2009 Director of the
Institute of Physics
1996 Heisenberg Stipendium
der Deutschen