Dr. Fritz Ostendorf
Diagnostik, Differentielle, Persönlichkeitspsych., Methodik und Evaluation, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 06341/280-260
- 06341/280-490
Jolijn Hendriks, A.A.; Perugini, Marco; Angleitner, Alois et al.
The five-factor personality inventory: cross-cultural generalizability across 13 countriesChichester [u.a.]: Wiley 2003 S. 347 - 374
Schnabel, K.; Asendorpf, J.B.; Ostendorf, F.
Replicable Types and Subtypes of Personality: German NEO-PI-R Versus NEO-FFIEuropean journal of personality. Bd. 16. H. 1. Chichester [u.a.]: Wiley 2002
Borkenau, P.; Ostendorf, F.; Aken, M.A.G.van
Carving Personality Description at its Joints: Confirmation of Three Replicable Personality Prototypes for Both Children and AdultsEuropean journal of personality. Bd. 15. H. 3. Chichester [u.a.]: Wiley 2001 S. 169 - 198
Ostendorf, F.; Riemann, R.; Spinath, S. et al.
Measuring interpersonal behavior with the German Interpersonal Adjective ScalesRiemann, R.; Spinath, S.; Ostendorf, F. (Hrsg). Personality and temperament: Genetics, evolution, and structure. Lengerich: Pabst Scientific Publishers. 2001 S. 232-255
Ostendorf, F.; Sarges, W.; Wottawa, H.
NEO-Persönlichkeits-Inventar - revidierte FormSarges, W.; Wottawa, H. (Hrsg). Handbuch wirtschaftspsychologischer Testverfahren. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers. 2001 S. 409-415
Riemann, R.; Spinath, F.; Ostendorf, F.
Personality and temperament: Genetics, evolution, and structureRiemann, R.; Spinath, F.; Ostendorf, F. (Hrsg). Lengerich: Pabst Scientific Publishers. 2001
Saucier, Gerard; Ostendorf, Fritz; Peabody, Dean
The Non-Evaluative Circumplex of Personality AdjectivesJournal of personality. Bd. 69. H. 4. Boston, Mass. [u.a.]: Blackwell 2001 S. 537 - 582
Hofstee, W. K. B.; Boomsma, A.; Ostendorf, F. et al.
Trait structure: Abridged-Circumplex versus hierarchical conceptionsRiemann, R.; Spinath, F.; Ostendorf, F. (Hrsg). Personality and temperament: Genetics, evolution, and structure. Lengerich: Pabst Scientific Publishers. 2001
Ostendorf, F.
Personality disorders and the five-factor modelEuropean Psychiatry. Bd. European Psychiatry. 2000 S. 42
Ostendorf, F.
Personality disorders and the five-factor model. A meta-analysisEuropean Psychiatry. Bd. European Psychiatry. 2000 S. 226s