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Perceiving discrimination: Developing a scenario scale for directly comparing different forms of discrimination

Laufzeit: ab 01.09.2020

Förderung durch: Forschungsinitiative Nachwuchsfond - Anschubfinanzierung für Postdoktorand*innen

Projektmittel (€): 12032,21


It is sometimes contested whether an incident of discrimination (e.g., sexism, racism) has occurred or not: Whether perceivers underestimate the incident or targets overestimate it is ambiguous in everyday life. Previous research suggests that sexism tends to be underestimated and considered less discriminatory than other forms of discrimination. One means to experimentally test perceivers’ underestimation of sexism is to pit sexism against other forms of prejudice, holding everything else...It is sometimes contested whether an incident of discrimination (e.g., sexism, racism) has occurred or not: Whether perceivers underestimate the incident or targets overestimate it is ambiguous in everyday life. Previous research suggests that sexism tends to be underestimated and considered less discriminatory than other forms of discrimination. One means to experimentally test perceivers’ underestimation of sexism is to pit sexism against other forms of prejudice, holding everything else constant.
The main goal of this project is (a) to develop and validate a scale consisting of a variety of discrimination scenarios that allow for cross -ism comparisons in the evaluation of different forms of discrimination and (b) test in a set of experiments whether sexism is perceived and evaluated as less discriminatory than racism and thus more likely to be underestimated. The second aim of the present research is to explore which factors predict differences in the evaluation of sexism versus racism.
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  • Sexism Racism Discrimination


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