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Eva Bischoff

PD Dr. Eva Bischoff

Universität Trier

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Bischoff, Eva

Jack, Peter, and the Beast: Postcolonial Perspectives on Sexual Murder and the Construction of White Masculinity in Britain and Germany at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Lindner, Ulrike; Stein, Mark; Stroh, Silke (Hrsg). Cultures – Nervous States. Insecurity & Anxiety in Britain and Germany in a (Post)Colonial World. Amsterdam. 2010 S. 43 - 64

Bischoff, Eva

Becoming Cannibal

Berrensem, Hanjo; Haferkamp, Leyla (Hrsg). Deleuzian Events. Münster. 2009 S. 235 - 251

Bischoff, Eva

The Cannibal Within: White Men and the Embodiment of Evolutionary Time

Bell, Jeffrey A.; Colebrook, Claire (Hrsg). Deleuze and History. Edinburgh. 2009 S. 121 - 141

Bischoff, Eva

„Between Animal Instinct and Morality”: The Construction of White Masculinity in Medicopsychiatric Discourse in Weimar Germany,

Ellinghaus, Katherine; Boucher, Leigh (Hrsg). Historicising Whiteness. Transnational Perspectives on the Construction of an Identity. Melbourne. 2007 S. 427 - 435

Bischoff, Eva

Meet/eat Your Neighbours: Dangerous Encounters in Weimar Germany

Huggan, Graham; Klasen, Stephan (Hrsg). Germany, in: Perspectives on Endangerment. Hildesheim. 2005 S. 97 - 107