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Dirk  Weitzel

Prof. Dr. Dirk Weitzel

Hochschule Mainz

Lucy-Hillebrand-Straße 2 , 55128 Mainz, Raum: C2.03

  • 06131/628-3118

Weitzel, Dirk; Ernst, Claus-Peter; Rothlauf, Franz

On the Disadvantages of Rented Software with Regard to Psychological Ownership in the Context of Private Customers

AMCIS 15, 2020 Proceedings. Cancún. 2020 S. 15 - 25

Ernst, Claus-Peter; Weitzel, Dirk

On the Disadvantages of Media as a Service with Regard to Psychological Ownership

Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences : January 8-11, 2019, Maui, Hawaii. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hamilton Library, ScholarSpace 2019 S. 1416 - 1424

Weitzel, Dirk; Ernst, Claus-Peter

The Role of Sensory Attribute Categories in Online Fresh Food Purchase Behavior

25th Americas Conference on Information Systems. Cancún. 2019 S. 1 - 10