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Impro Techniques support Teaching Innovation Management

International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) (Hrsg). Local Innovation Ecosystems for Global Impact: Proceedings of the the XXXV ISPIM Innovation Conference. Tallinn. 2024 S. 1 - 5

Erscheinungsjahr: 2024

ISBN/ISSN: 978-952-65069-6-8

Publikationstyp: Buchbeitrag (Konferenzbeitrag)

Sprache: Englisch



The article discusses the use of approaches from improvisational theatre in teaching innovation management. Experienced facilitators and trainers have a large repertoire of creativity methods and certainly also of warm-up methods for creative sessions. Traditional university courses differ from workshops and meetings in a number of ways, which is why the methods from workshops are hard to be used in this context. Improvisational theatre is based on some principles that fit very well with a mi...The article discusses the use of approaches from improvisational theatre in teaching innovation management. Experienced facilitators and trainers have a large repertoire of creativity methods and certainly also of warm-up methods for creative sessions. Traditional university courses differ from workshops and meetings in a number of ways, which is why the methods from workshops are hard to be used in this context. Improvisational theatre is based on some principles that fit very well with a mindset of creativity and out of the box thinking. This article describes thoughts behind the initial experiments of how improvisational theatre aspects can be used in the context of a conventional lecture setting and what conclusions can be drawn with regard to its further use in teaching.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • teaching innovation
  • learning innovation
  • impro
  • improvisation
  • impro theatre
  • theatre sports
  • creativity learning experience
  • creativity
  • learning experience
  • innovationsmanagement
  • innovationmanagement


DFG Fachgebiet:

DDC Sachgruppe:
Allgemeines, Wissenschaft

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